| Rebuilding Trust and Hope
By Cecile Miller
Cape Breton Post
July 18, 2014
Cecile Miller
How can trust and hope be rebuilt in a diocese which is struggling with the sexual abuse by clergy and the victimization of so many?
In October 2013, a diocesan renewal congress, “Renewing My People the Church,” was held at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre.
Three hundred delegates from parishes across the Diocese of Antigonish approved a five-year diocesan plan for renewal. In December 2013, Bishop Brian Dunn announced the formation of an implementation committee of 20 members — two representatives from each of the seven deaneries of the diocese plus five members-at-large to work with him to implement the strategies and work at “rebuilding trust and hope” in the diocese. Two members, Fr. Andrew Boyd and Cecile Miller, agreed to be co-chairs. The committee has met once a month since December.
The first task of the committee was to distribute as many as possible of the 73 strategies which had been prioritized at the congress among the many committees and offices of the diocese, the emmaus centre, the marriage tribunal, the liturgical commission and the council of priests. Members of the implementation committee volunteered to work on other remaining strategies.
To date, much has been accomplished. Many parishioners throughout the diocese have attended sessions using Sr. Nuala Kenny’s book "Healing the Church." A well-received Service of Repentance took place at St. Joseph’s Church in Port Hawkesbury on Sunday, June 8.
Five members of the implementation committee have worked diligently to revitalize the Office of Social Justice. New terms of reference have been developed, and soon members of the new social justice committee will be appointed to work with Fr. Paul McGillvray, presently head of the social justice ministry.
Another member of the implementation committee has formed a committee of members from across the diocese to look at the needs of youth and develop a strategy for working with youth. They have been meeting regularly and are in the process of assessing options for training youth leaders.
The revitalization of the family life ministry has been initiated. Two couples form the diocese will go to the World Union of Families Conference which will be held in Philadelphia in September 2015.
One hundred parishioners participated in a hospitality workshop which was offered by webinar. There was very positive feedback from this innovative venture.
The problem of effective communication is being addressed. Communiques are being sent to all the delegates to the congress as well as parishioners who chair committees, parish pastoral councils and organizations within the parishes/pastoral units.
In June, two day-long workshops were held to explore the collaborative model of ministry, one for graduates of the lay ministry formation program and one for the priests of the diocese. Further workshops are planned when priests and laity will meet together to discuss ways to collaborate in ministry.
On September 21, Back to Church Sunday will be highlighted in the parishes/pastoral units of the diocese.
For the first eight months of the five-year plan, much has been accomplished, and the committee is encouraged by the progress made thus far. We remain focussed and enthusiastic about rebuilding trust and hope in our diocese over the next five years.
Cecile Miller is a member of St. Patrick Church, North East Margaree, and, with Fr. Andrew Boyd, is co-chair of the implementation committee, “rebuilding trust and hope.” The purpose of the committee is to co-ordinate the implementation of the pastoral plan of the Diocese of Antigonish 2013–2018.