| HEAR No Evil, See No Evil ...
By Kevin O'Brien
Waiting for Godot to Leave
July 17, 2014
Jennifer Haselberger
Anonymous comments on my post The Nature of the Problem ...
Now it was a grave sin what those priests and Bishops did decades ago, but it is time to stop acting like what happened then is still happening now. The Church has taken many steps to prevent sexual abuse from happening.
But these are steps that are not being followed, at least in St. Paul, Kansas City and St. Louis. The enabling of sexual abuse by bishops is still going on. The sexual abuse is still happening.
Read the recent affidavit by Jennifer Haselberger. You can tell yourself that she's a flaming liberal in it for the money - but at one point she says she had high hopes for Archbishop Nienstedt because he was "doctrinally pure". So that won't wash.
And most of what she describes is backed up by documentary evidence, and it rings very true.
A friend of mine says the bishops have been behaving with "knavish imbecility". It's a great phrase, and it comes from Hilaire Belloc, who speaks of the Church as ...
... an institute run with such knavish imbecility that if it were not the work of God it would not last a fortnight.