Pope Francis says about 2% of priests are pedophiles: report
By Joel Landau
New York Daily News
July 13, 2014
Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Sibari, southern Italy. In a recent interview, he reportedly claimed about 2% of priests in the Catholic Church were pedophiles. |
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said the interview was based on the writer’s memory, not an official recording. |
Pope Francis did not approve of the story that appeared in La Repubblica. |
The spiritual leader made the comments to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica in a conversation that was published Sunday. The Pope likened the issue to a leprosy within the church and would do more to stop it. The Vatican issued a statement that said the published conversation is not a verbatim transcript and denied the Pope said the transgressors also included cardinals.
Pope Francis said he has been told that 2% of the Catholic priests engage in pedophilia, but vowed to do what he can to eradicate the problem within the church, which he compared to leprosy.
The spiritual leader made the comments in an hour-long conversation with Eugenio Scalfari, the 90-year-old founder and former editor in chief of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, which were published in a story Sunday.
In the story, the Pope is quoted as saying the corruption of a child "is the most terrible and unclean (act) imaginable" — especially when committed by someone with a family or friend connection to the children.
Francis said he has studied "reliable data" that assesses pedophilia within the church at about 2% of priests, and even bishops and cardinals.
The Pope said he does not think that low number means this is not a serious problem, adding there is more abuse taking place but the victims are not reporting it.
"I find this situation intolerable and I intend to tackle it with the seriousness it requires," he said.
There are about 414,000 Roman Catholic priests in the world in 2012, which is the most recent information available.
The Pope has been criticized for not being proactive enough on this issue. Last week he met with victims of sexual abuse by priests for the first time.
The Pope reportedly told the victims the church should "weep and make reparation" for these crimes and vowed zero tolerance. He also promised bishops would be held accountable if they covered up crimes by priests in their diocese.
When asked about the role of the Mafia in the church, the Pope said he would do more research to determine the depth of the problem, but would also condemn illegal acts. The newspaper reports the Pope has excommunicated its members, but some priests have defied him and allowed them to attend their services.
"Our denunciation of the mob will not be made once in a while, but will be constant," he said.
The Pope also said the general stance on celibacy could change — adding it was not instituted until the 10th century.
The interviewer quotes the Pope as saying "the problem certainly exists but (it) is not of great magnitude. He then reported the Pope said there are solutions to this issue and he would find it.
But a few hours after the interview was published, the newspaper reported the Vatican's spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, noted that the interviewer Scalfari did not make an official recording of the conversation and the story was published using the Pope's words from his memory. The Vatican also notes the Pope did not approve the story.
The Vatican denied the Pope said there are pedophile cardinals and that he would find a solution to the topic of celibacy.
Contact: jlandau@nydailynews.com