| Pope's Meeting with Victims Not Enough: #tellusatoday
USA Today
July 10, 2014
Pope Francis
Pope Francis on Monday met and prayed with six European victims of pedophile priests for the first time. Comments from Facebook and Twitter are edited for Clarity and grammar:
This is truly an amazing pope. I'm not Catholic, but my goodness! From cleaning up the Vatican bank to forcing the church to deal with sexual abuse, I say bravo.
This pope walks the walk like none other that I have seen.
— Nikato Muirhead
This step is not enough. The abuse spans decades if not more. A formal plan for combating sexual abuse and rape must be presented.
— @BaileyPittipat
Pope Francis says all the right things, but nothing has really changed. Just look at his comment about excommunicating the mafia. Unnamed people are now excommunicated. Is there a list of people who will be kicked out of Mass if they show up? No. Are women getting treated better? No. It's all just talk.
— Ray Fleming
As long as the church and its leaders continue to see themselves as special in the eyes of God, nothing will ever change. There are far too many priests who believe that they are above all others, like spoiled children who believe that they can do no wrong.
— Thomas Cole
Francis has the same problem President Obama has. Taking the reins of an ungainly bureaucracy and trying to change the status quo is not as easy it as appears.
— J. Thomas Gaffney
As a physician who has met many who have been sexually abused by priests, and as a victim/survivor of clergy sexual abuse, I am glad that Pope Francis is finally willing to meet with victims.