| Brazilian Bishop to Head Fall River Diocese
By Simon Rios
South Coast Today
July 3, 2014
Bishop George W. Coleman of the Fall River diocese, who resigned with his 75th birthday in February, welcomes incoming bishop Edgar Moreira da Cunha, right. The Brazilian born priest will assume the position in September.
The country's first Brazilian-born bishop will take the helm of the Diocese of Fall River this fall, a year-and-a-half after the election of the first pope from Latin America.
“I wish to greet all my brother priests, and tell them I am eager to know them and work with them for the good of God's people here in this area,” said the Rev. Edgar Moreira da Cunha, currently an auxiliary bishop of the Newark, NJ Archdiocese, who was named the eighth bishop of Fall River today.
Da Cunha, 60, will succeed Bishop George W. Coleman, who resigned after turning 75 this year in accordance with church law. The incoming diocesan chief spoke in English, Spanish and his native Portuguese, indicating with a smile his support for the Brazilian football squad as it gears up for its next match.
The appointment of Bishop da Cunha was announced this morning in the nation's capital by Archbishop Carlo M. Vigano, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, after his candidacy was given the blessing of Pope Francis himself.
Bishop Coleman welcomed da Cunha at a press event in Fall River today.
“Bishop da Cunha, the diocese of Fall River consists of thousands of God's people, priests, deacons, consecrated men and women and faithful, all of whom live the life of faith and seek to serve the church,” Coleman said.
“Our diocese, founded 110 years ago, is rich in its history and in its traditions. Welcome to the Diocese of Fall River. Welcome to your new home.”
Born in Bahia, Brazil in 1953, da Cunha attended minor seminary with the Vocationist Fathers order. He was ordained in 1982, climbing the hierarchy of the Newark Diocese before becoming vicar general, the second in command, in 2013.
Arlene McNamee, executive director of Catholic Social Services, was at today's announcement. She said the presence of a Brazilian bishop is big news for the SouthCoast's Hispanic population.
“We've had a growing population of immigrants over the past 15-20 years, Brazilians included,” she said.
“Certainly (for) our friends from South America and the Guatemalan community, which is growing in leaps and bounds... I think this is pretty exciting for them.”
Moreira da Cunha became vicar general during a period of controversy for the Newark Diocese, replacing Monsignor John Doran, who resigned last May in connection with the expelled priest Michael Fugee, according to press reports.
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, a national advocacy group, said today that da Cunha has shown no real courage or compassion in one of the worst archdioceses in the U.S. for clergy sex abuse victims.
Asked to respond to that claim, da Cunha said in his position with the Archdiocese of Newark it was not his responsibility directly to address these issues.
“And even so, the Diocese of Newark has addressed these concerns (effectively and with care)… and as has been directed by the bishops of this country and by our policies,” he said.
David Clohessy, a victim of clergy abuse director of the Survivors Network, criticized da Cunha for failing to distance himself from the Newark hierarchy.
“We would have been encouraged even had the new bishop made an oblique criticism of his former boss,” Clohessy told The Standard-Times.