Abuse survivor wants commission extension
Sky News
July 2, 2014
The child sexual abuse royal commission should be given a two-year extension to 'open the floodgates' for victims who are growing more confident in telling their stories, a survivor says.
John Hennessey, 78, says he expects the commission, which as part of its interim report said it needs $104 million to conduct more than 3000 individual sessions, will be granted the extension.
'It's got to be done,' Mr Hennessey told AAP.
'I don't think any other royal commission has had such an impact on society and it's blown away a lot of cobwebs.'
Mr Hennessey said the commission had put Australia on notice on a global scale.
A child migrant in 1946, Mr Hennessey was sent to St Joseph's Farm and Trade School in Bindoon, WEstern Australia, when he was 11.
There he was sexually and physically abused by a Brother Paul Keaney.
When he was 12 he was publicly stripped and nearly flogged to death by Keaney.
Mr Hennessey, who did not see his mother for 57 years, told AAP the commission has indirectly linked him to more family in the form of a first cousin in Ireland.
'It's made the nation wake up,' Mr hennessey said.
'There are other nations in the world watching this commission.'
The commission estimates that by the end of 2015 it will be able to complete nearly 40 public hearings of the 70 it has identified as necessary.
It has held 15 so far.
It needs another two years to complete an additional 30 hearings it says are essential to fulfil its terms of reference.
In Canberra, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten told journalists Labor supports giving the royal commission more time and money to finish its work and wants the government to do the same.