MALCOLM X: Opus Dei Beast PR will have you hating the oppressed & loving the oppressors who are the 1% wealthiest in Vatican Swiss Banks
By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
June 30, 2014
Pope Francis controls Swiss Banks and war lords |
Malcolm X said something that applies today to Pope Francis’s secret biggest hidden heist in mankind’s history and deceptive hypocritical papacy: “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Pope Francis’ boss the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team - together with the 1% wealthiest of the globe - are the people doing the oppressing.
The Vatican’s Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team main job is to protect the 1% wealthiest of the globe - (imperialists, royals, despots, drug lords, bribes for war lords, money laundering, politicians' secret accounts, multinational corporations' loot from Third World countries) - whose wealth are hoarded in secret Vatican Swiss Banks - run by the Swiss Guard Army - because the Vatican owns Switzerland and the pope is its monarch. Switzerland must end its "neutral" status and the Vatican must end as a country. The Vatican and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks together control the moneys of the world. Therefore Pope Francis must keep up with appearances and keep appearing to camouflage them and prevent them from being noticed and detected. Read our new blog, Pope Francis the CON-Christ & Thief, Pretender and Impostor of Jesus
All stupid nuns (see their images and articles below) and fanatic Catholics like Sant Egidio, the Legion of Christ, the Jesuits and Catholics groups feed and satiate the Vatican Mammon Beast and empower the corrupt powers of Pope Francis especially his biggest heist in mankind’s history which makes him the most corrupt pope in history of Catholicism, read here about it here - Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Hence Christ is asking to be set free from Pope Francis and set free from the Vatican and set free from gold tabernacles in Catholic Churches worldwide because God is like the AIR we breathe-in, He comes to us and He cannot be cloned, monopolized and jailed in churches by a few popes and priests.
Goliath-bully Bill Donohue of the Catholic League uses the “coercive power” of the Vatican a lot in by disparaging all critics of the church as "anti-catholic bigotry" and his goal is - to make Catholics hate the oppressed especially (SNAP) Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - and love the oppressors which are members of the Vatican Pyramid Evil Empire, read more here
Opus Dei Beast PR use of Vatican 8 Powers
This Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day today uses the “social power” in the manipulation of the media and propaganda of lies, read the 8 POWERS the VATICAN uses to CONTROL CATHOLICS and COUNTRIES: TRADITIONAL, CHARISMATIC, COERCIVE, SOCIAL, LEGAL, REMUNERATIVE, EXPERT, ECOLOGICAL and use this a gauge on how you are being deceived by the Vatican Pyramid Evil Empire.
John Allen the Devil’s Twin plagiarizes Nelson Mandela’s legacy for Pope Francis
The Vatican is the Devil’s Evil Empire and it uses lies to deceive 1.2 billion Catholics and the world. The Eucharist of course is its biggest lie because popes and priests cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore they cannot clone Christ either, see images to illustrate this below.
The biggest agent of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is foremost Vatican Pied Piper John Allen who use every article he has to plagiarize (a mockery) Nelson Mandela’s legacy by comparing Pope Francis to him, “For many Catholics, their hopes for a more compassionate and open church are invested in Francis. For many non-Catholics, Francis has become like a new Nelson Mandela, a source of moral authority and an icon of personal integrity.”
Read here John Allen's article on Pope Francis - with our comments to point out his typical deceptions, Opus Dei Beast tentacle suffocating Pope Francis? Cancels hospital visit for second time due to “unexpected indisposition” or heavy Vatican Billions heist?