Savile reports uncover shocking details ...
By Julia Sutton
immy Savile reports uncover shocking details aboutlate TV presenter
and DJ who has been linked to a Catholic boys' home Shefford
June 28, 2014
Jimmy Savile getting a honoary
doctor of arts degree at Bedfordshire University |
Jimmy Savile reports uncover shocking details
about the late TV presenter and DJ who has been linked to a Catholic
boys' home in Shefford
JIMMY Savile abused corpses as well as
sexually assaulted patients aged from five to 75 in NHS hospitals
after decades of unrestricted access, investigators claim.
The reports into the former BBC DJ, who also presented
Jim'll Fix It and Top of the Pops, cover 28 hospitals including
Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor psychiatric hospital.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt admitted the shocking
revelations 'will shake our country to the core'.
Savile died aged 84 in October 2011 - a year before
allegations that he had sexually abused children came to light.
The Advertiser has been following the case as the TV
personality has also been connected to a former Catholic boys'
home in Shefford.
St Francis House closed in 1973 and we revealed that Savile
used to visit the home, as there was a Catholic Church on the site,
which is still open.
Savile was a devout Catholic and visited when staying at
nearby Henlow Grange.