| Ex-christian Radio Host Who "Admitted Raping an 11-year-old Boy" Had Duct Tape, Handcuffs and Chains in His Storage Unit
By Louise Boyle
Daily Mail
June 26, 2014
A former Christian radio host, who admitted to raping an 11-year-old boy, had a rented storage unit where he kept a 'bondage kit' of handcuffs, chains and duct tape, a federal spokesman confirmed to MailOnline today.
John Balyo, 35, has been charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct after he confessed last week to having sex with a child.
It is claimed that Balyo, from Battle Creek, Michigan, paid a man to arrange a sex session with a minor for him.
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Former Christian radio DJ John Balyo, 35, (pictured with an unidentified child), was charged with having sex with a minor. Federal agents revealed today they found his storage unit in Michigan containing handcuffs and duct tape
He was arrested last Friday while at the Big Ticket Christian music festival in Gaylord, Michigan. He was a morning show host on Christian station WCSG.
The handcuffs and other items were found in a suitcase after police searched a storage unit in Plainfield Township last Friday.
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesman told MailOnline on Thursday that while being interviewed, Balyo indicated that he had a storage unit and gave officers permission to search the space.
Alleged child rapist John Balyo, 35, (pictured in his arrest photo last week) recently got married and has a stepson
A padlock, rubber gloves and children's socks were also discovered, MLive reported.
Balyo also had piles of articles about missing children and children's obituaries, it was reported, along with an erotic photography magazine.
The 35-year-old admitted to raping a boy, a Calhoun County prosecutor said at Balyo's arraignment on Monday.
The accused was denied bail after being charged with first- and second-degree criminal sexual conduct. He is now facing the rest of his life in prison.
Balyo got married in April and has a stepson, according to the Christian Post.
According to Mlive.com, prosecutor David Gilbert said Balyo admitted to 'some' charges which police said related to a single incident at a home in Battle Creek on May 17.
The DJ allegedly paid resident Ronald Moser, 41, to have sex with a young boy. Authorities who raided Moser's property on June 5 found him at the home with a boy.
According to mlive.com, in a photo album allegedly posted online by Moser, there were ten images of a young boy lying face down on a bed.
His hands and feet were bound and he was wearing only underwear, which had been rolled up to show his buttocks, according to a federal agent.
The albums had titles such as 'very cute boy,' and 'sexy boys', police said.
The FBI said Moser put images online and planned to trade in child porn. It is alleged that Moser ran a website providing sex with underage boys for money.
The investigation into the alleged pedophiles has involved multiple agencies as part of a larger 'Operation Predator'.
Balyo was fired from his job at WCSG and the station publicly asked for prayers for the former host, his family and alleged victims.
The 35-year-old had been at the radio station for eight years.
The Christian radio host, pictured on his show, allegedly had sex with a boy after he paid a pedophile to set up the encounter for him
In a statement, WCSG said: 'We sincerely grieve over these recent events, in particular the tragic impact on victims and their parents. The trafficking and exploitation of minors is absolutely deplorable.
'The WCSG family is deeply aching and know you may be hurting as well.'
A spokesman added: 'We know that no one, absolutely no one, is immune from falling into the darkness of sin. And yet, we have hope. Those who truly follow and live for Jesus Christ know He alone has the power to restore broken lives and broken trust.'
Balyo returns to court for a hearing on July 7 and faces trial on August 18.