Sunday school teacher pleads guilty to child porn raps
By Alex Rose Daily Times June 24, 2014
MEDIA COURTHOUSE — A Parskide Sunday school teacher
and youth basketball coach pleaded guilty Monday to one count
each of possessing child pornography and criminal use of a
communication facility, both felonies of the third degree.
Steven Daniel Almond, a deacon at the Middletown
Presbyterian Church, turned himself over to authorities in June
2013 on two counts of disseminating photos or films of child sex
acts, 25 counts of sexual abuse of children for possession of
child pornography and 27 counts of criminal use of a
communication facility.
Almond, 55, of the first block of West Forestview Road,
posted 10 percent of $250,000 bail in July.
According to an affidavit of probable cause, Delaware
County Detective Joseph Walsh, a member of the county’s
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, identified a
computer sharing suspected child pornography on a peer-to-peer
file network on June 6, 2013.
Investigators downloaded two files from an Internet
protocol address depicting prepubescent girls involved in sexual
acts, one of which included intercourse with an adult male.
Walsh traced the IP address back to a home computer at
Almond’s Forestview Road home.
County detectives, the FBI and police from Parkside and
Aston executed a search warrant at that address on June 13.
Almond was advised he was not under arrest, but that police were
conducting an investigation into the sharing of child
pornography, according to the affidavit.
Police said Almond voluntarily admitted he had files of
child pornography on his computer, with the youngest child
probably 13 or 14 years old.
Authorities confiscated four computers, a portable hard
drive, two USB flash drives, three cellphones and 22 CDs and
DVDs. Walsh allegedly found more than 50 videos depicting
children under the age of 18 engaging in sexual acts, according
to the affidavit, including some less than 5 years old,
according to the court document.
Almond, represented by defense attorney William Davis,
made no statement during Monday’s short hearing before
Judge Gregory Mallon.
Under the negotiated guilty plea worked out by Davis and
Deputy District Attorney Michael Galantino, Almond would serve
six to 23 months at the county prison in Concord.
Galantino is recommending a split sentence of three months
straight time, followed by three months of electronic home
monitoring to satisfy the minimum of the sentence, as well as
seven years of concurrent sex offender probation. Almond would
also have to forfeit the seized devices.
Mallon set sentencing for Sep. 19 pending a state Sexual
Offenders Assessment Board evaluation to determine whether
Almond is a sexually violent predator.
The period of his registration as a sex offender under
Megan’s Law will depend on that report, said Galantino,
but as it stands now he will have to register for at least 15
years. Contact: