COLUMN: Sexual abuse not worse in Catholic Church
By Stephen May Wicked Local Easton June 22,
Holy Cross Catholic Church,
225 Purchase Street, South Easton. |
Sexual abuse of minors continues to be a
grave problem in the United States, as well as the rest of the
world. One serious misperception perpetrated by the media is
that Catholic priests are among the most serious offenders. Many
of the misinformed have come to believe that Church policies
such as celibacy and retaining a predominantly male authority
structure are to blame for this situation. Statistically
speaking, this is far from the truth. The purpose of this
article is not to excuse the actions of any priest who has
committed such an offence (there is no excuse), but rather to
juxtapose the crisis within the priesthood to the bigger problem
of sexual abuse of minors within the public as a whole.
In its 2010 report on Child
Maltreatment, the United States Department of Health and Human
Services stated that there were 712,506 reported cases of sexual
abuse against minors. This is equivalent to 9.8 percent of the
number of Americans under the age of 18. Of these cases, 578,768
involved one or both of the child’s parents (81.3
percent). The majority of the other cases involved foster
parents or other relatives close to the child.
According to the United States
Department of Education in 2011, "nearly 9.6 percent of
[pre-K through 12th grade] students are targets of educator
sexual misconduct sometime during their school career."
These are chilling statistics, clearly
indicating that there is a very serious problem in the United
States regarding the protection of children from their most
trusted adult companions.
In comparison, Georgetown
University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
(CARA) has reported that in 2010, "there were 8 accusations
of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest involving a minor" in
the United States. While there can be no excuse for the behavior
of these priests, it does amount to only 0.001 percent of the
overall number of cases. For every abusive priest that year,
there were 72,346 abusive parents.
While missing the proverbial 800-pound
gorilla in the room, the media has correctly pointed out that
the majority of sexual abuse cases involving priests were
actually committed during the 1970s, the decade when accounts of
sexual abuse by adults from all walks of life first became
widely reported.
Anyone with access to minors: parents,
teachers, coaches, and religious of all faiths were indicted.
Yet in the modern era, priests seem to be singled out by the
media, with the sweeping simplicity of blaming their actions on
celibacy or its exclusion of women from ordained ministry,
situations that do not pertain to the majority of sex abusers.
Since the mid-1980s, insurance companies
have regularly offered sexual misconduct coverage as a rider on
liability insurance offered to religious and other
organizations. Industry sponsored studies indicate that the
rates offered to Catholic churches are not different than those
offered to any other religious denomination, indicating that the
insurance industry understands that Catholic priests do not
present any higher of a risk than leaders of any other
congregation, most of which do not enforce celibacy of their
clergy or accept only men.
Since 2002, the Catholic Church has not hesitated to
re-invigorate its deep commitment to creating a safe environment
within the Church for children and youth. Although Catholic
religious committed only a very small number of the overall
offences of sexual abuse against minors, even during the years
when the majority of abuses took place, the media has
autonomously chosen to place the spotlight on the Church.
However, more than any other modern organization, the Church has
responded by becoming a beacon of light in an otherwise dark
world that continues to abuse those least able to defend
The Charter for the Protection of
Children and Young People is a comprehensive set of procedures
established by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops
for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by
Catholic clergy, and includes guidelines for reconciliation,
healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of
abuse. The Charter directs action in all the following matters:
Creating a safe environment for
children and young people; Healing and reconciliation of
victims and survivors; Making prompt and effective response to
allegations; Cooperating with civil authorities; Disciplining
offenders; and Providing for means of accountability for the
future to ensure the problem continues to be effectively dealt
with throughout the Church.
Many Americans today live with the
misperception that the Catholic Church is still part of the
problem of sex abuse against minors, when in actuality they are
taking a leadership position, and becoming a role model, in
ensuring that children everywhere are safe from those who would
harm them.
For more information on the plan the
Catholic Church has for protecting children from sexual abuse,
please go to
Stephen May is the youth minister at
Holy Cross Church in Easton, where he has been a parishioner
for more than 20 years. Mr. May also works as a chaplain for
Overlook Hospice.