a list of maternity homes in Ireland in 1947
By Christina Finn Journal June 22, 2014
Here is the year end returns
for all maternity homes in Ireland in 1947: |
MATERNITY HOMES OF the past have recently hit the
headlines, with an inquiry now underway into mother and baby
A number of state files were recalled from the National Archives
by the Department of Health following the revelations
about the
deaths of almost 800 children at a mother and baby home
in Tuam.
The department states that the documents were recalled for
the Commission of Investigation that was announced by the
Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald.
The documents recently recalled by the department include
the registration documents of maternity homes
for the years ending 1953, 1952, 1951, 1950, 1948-50, 1946-49,
and maternity home exemptions 1946-47.
Under the Maternity Homes Act 1934 every local
authority in Ireland had to register the maternity homes in the
county with the Department of Health.