| Pope Francis Is Sick with Lies, Lies, Lies & Burdened Yoke from Opus Dei Beast Pr Deceits Team Weighs Heavy on Jesuit Puppet Pope
By Paris Arrow
Pope Francis The Con-christ
June 20, 2014
Hola Francisco, ?como esta usted? Es la corona papal demasiado pesada para la cabeza? ?Se siente solo en la cima de la Piramide del Vaticano? Lee nuestros 6 sugerencias sobre como se puede cambiar el mundo sea un lugar mejor antes de morir ... porque realmente, usted ha cometido el robo mas grande en la historia de la humanidad! Y el unico lugar donde se vaya a es el lago de fuego - si usted no devuelve el robo por parte de los imperialistaslos acumulado en bancos suizos del Vaticano a las naciones pobres del Tercer Mundo.
So what’s the matter, podgy Francisco, you thought the papacy was an easy job like dancing the Argentina tango or waving the child duck dance of wibble wobble as you papal fart at 1.2 billion Catholics with Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team lies, lies, lies day after day like an old OD fool on the Vatican hill? Can’t you stand anymore the frantic Francis-Maniacs adulation at St. Peter’s Square every Wednesday – the guaranteed money machine of millions of dollars audience - that brings in hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to gather and pray the robotic Angelus with you? Do these Francis-maniacs (as Vatican Pied Piper John Allen originally dubbed them ‘Francis-mania’, read more here - FRANCIS UPDATES: John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!
) sound more like Catholic zombies - as in Brad Pitt’s movie World War Z, see photos and read about them here in the Catholic version of World War Z
Can’t you stand anymore those Francis-Maniacs Catholic zombies that you had to cancel your weekly Angelus for June and the entire nice warm month of July when teeming pilgrims descend at St. Peter’s Square and cancel those photo-ops with well-dressed babies whose - stupid Catholic mothers - believe they are guaranteed to go to Heaven because you’ve kissed them? You know, those Catholic zombies did do you a big favor, read our article, Vatican Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square
What’s the matter, Francisco, do you believe us now that you have no power to clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either? The Eucharist is the GREATEST POWER to clone the Son of God Jesus by all priests but you’ve cancelled your daily morning mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae, your residence and it’s scheduled to begin only in September. So where will you celebrate your sorcery? And will you do it alone?
Eucharist procession on a truck like Benedict XVI-RATzinger did
Pope Francis also cancelled his rare Rome procession of the Host in a monstrance today on the most important feast of the Eucharist - which marks the day that the Roman Catholic Church in Italy celebrates the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
That is quite an irony because he is the Vicar of Christ who is in that Host. Maybe he was afraid we’d point out again his papal hypocritical spectacle like we did for his Station of the Cross, read our article, Jesus is exploited by Pope Francis in TV spectacle of Stations of the Cross in Roman Colosseum (akin to Gladiators spectacles)
If Pope Francis is not sick (as the Vatican keeps denying), he didn’t have to carry the heavy gold monstrance by his own hands and walk by foot in the one kilometer (0.7 miles) procession. "The pope saw it opportune to not do the long route by foot ... with a view towards his upcoming commitments," the Vatican said, noting that he will travel to southern Italy on Saturday. That’s hogwash because he could have easily done it like the other old pope Benedict XVI-RATzinger who simply knelt (or sat) on a comfortable pad in a big open truck while the monstrance was propped up in front of him on a solid stand...as he holily stared at it, see photo below
Francis’s Pinocchio nose and conscience, Jiminy Cricket or is it Ignatius Loyola?
From the compilation of news below, Francis has been gaining weight – or is it his nose that’s getting longer like Pinocchio’s every time he lies. After all, the immeasurable Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team lies that he has to say can’t be supported even by his podgy ass. So, Pope Francis, did you have a papal vision of St. Ignatius Loyola who now keeps turning in his grave because you have fulfilled his worst nightmare - which he wrote specifically in the Jesuit constitution that Jesuits must never accept high positions in the Vatican, but now you’ve reached the top of the Vatican Pyramid a.k.a. Vatican Mammon Beast Evil Empire! May we remind you that the first Jesuit cardinal Bellarmine delivered the papal condemnation on Galileo, read more here Vatican Terror on Galileo, priests and the poor, women and children
The price of the Jesuits’ obedience to the Pope has cost scientists public papal condemnations, even their own Jesuit scientists like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Liberation Theologians like Jon Sobrino. But it is especially the poor nations who pay for the narcissism and autocracy and stupidity of the pope. As Pope Francis himself said it in his homily in Vatican Radio last June 17, “The corruption of the powerful is paid by the poor. Read our 6 suggestions to Pope Francis here, 6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy
YOU are Francis in-name-only
Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it? You are “in name only” – nothing else. There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time. You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words? You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either.
Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”?
Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal? Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy. Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy. But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need. There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil? But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you: What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? …and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
And you stole all the money in the Vatican Bank and transferred them to the secret Vatican Swiss Banks – making YOU the BIGGEST THIEF in mankind’s history that your crimes are crying out to Heaven worse than Cain’s murder of Abel because YOUR HEIST in the Holy See kill billions of children and women and men worldwide!!!!!!!
REad our article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
And you are still protecting the Polish Papal Nuncio wanted by Interpol because he is guilty of prostituting with little boys in the Dominican Republic.
Driving a small car yourself or taking the bus or preaching “like thunder” on Vatican Radio will not deceive people any longer – because your yoke is heavy as you serve the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team – they may have succeeded during the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and the 8 years papacy of Benedict XVI-RATzinger. But you are different, you are a Jesuit, a supposed Companion f Jesus, but now you’ve become the Companion of the Devil of the Priestly Society of evil Josemaria Escriva...
St. Francis went to kiss the pope’s feet because there was no other way to preach about Christ except through the monopoly of the Pope. Today with the Internet – everyone can know about Christ and the entire Bible in its many versions. With easy access to airplanes and instant communication between countries – without having to go through the middle man of the approval from the Vatican -- charities that Christ asked for are being done without link to the Vatican. Go ahead, condemn the hard-working American nuns, they do more charity works than those idle Opus Dei Beast members. There are the Doctors without Borders and many NGO’s who do more Christ-like works than those Pharisees Opus Dei Beast members and priests and nuns living in the lap of luxury in their million dollar abodes. There are many evangelicals and Pentecostals preachers who speak about Christ and the Gospel with fire unlike those boring gay priests or pedophile priests whose only pride is in their false power to clone Christ daily in the Eucharist – and hundreds of millions of Catholics in Argentina, Brazil, Philippines and Catholic countries no longer believe in that Hoax of the Eucharist and are having mass exodus into Protestant and evangelical churches. It’s time to draw the curtain of the Vatican and end it as a country and shut down the secret Vatican Swiss Banks sun by the Swiss Guard Army before the Hands of Christ strike and He’ll annihilate the Vatican to the ground like the Temple of Solomon as His Mother Our Lady predicted it in Her Third Secret of Fatima! .
Pope Francis already cancelled his daily papal Mass at Santa Marta and canceled all his Wednesday Angelus for July – the weekly superstar free Broadway stage of the pope for decades! Geez, what will those Francis-Maniacs do at St. Peter’s Square after they’ve spent thousands of dollars to see their VIP Vatican Idol Pope? Francis should ask the Opus Dei Bishop of Rome - to say the Angelus on his behalf – after all, all robot Opus Dei members pray it at noon sharp worldwide – nonstop. The first signs of Pope Francis’s mysterious disappearing acts occurred when he cancelled two days of papal audiences right after his trip to Israel – where he cloned Christ in the site where He was born 2,000 years ago, read here -- In Israel, Pope Francis clones Christ’s flesh & pleas for children’s protection after canonizing 2 popes who protected JP2 Army pedophile priests in 20th century
The amended event announcement, which was posted Monday on the Vatican’s official news portal, noted that all Wednesday general audiences will be suspended until August.
Morning mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae, Francis’ residence, has also been canceled for the summer and is scheduled to begin again in September.
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