Dark truth must come to light...
By Marie Kierans
Irish Mirror
June 15, 2014
Undated Tuam Home Graveyard Committee handout photo of the Tuam mother and baby home, Galway |
Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar TD |
It is only right the inquiry is not confined to the revelations concerning the former Bon Secours home in Tuam
The decision by the Government to hold an investigation into mother and baby-homes will not take away the heartbreak caused by the atrocities in these places of terror.
But hopefully the probe will at least finally expose the unforgivable practices that went on, hold those responsible accountable and give proper recognition to the thousands of children who died through neglect and cruelty.
That so-called religious people could inflict such brutal suffering
on any human being – never mind innocent babies and their poor young mothers whose only “crime” was to get pregnant outside of marriage – is truly incomprehensible.
It is only right the inquiry is not confined to the revelations concerning the former Bon Secours home in Tuam.
All similar facilities must come under scrutiny so we face up to and address this shameful time in our history once and for all.
It cannot be forgotten the State worked with the religious orders to run these homes and it owes it to the victims and survivors to uncover the truth – as terrible as it is likely to be.
What should have been a safe, secure environment for the mammies and their babies was in fact a hellhole of unimaginable torment.
We know almost 800 children, between the ages of two days and nine years, were dumped in a septic tank in Tuam.
But there are so many questions still unanswered. Just how did these children die and who are they?
How many other secret unmarked mass graves are there around the country?
We now also know some children in these homes were used as guinea pigs for experimental medical trials. Who gave permission for this to happen?
And what were the consequences for the children involved?
Each day seems to reveal another harrowing story, from babies being snatched from their mothers and sold for adoption to exceedingly high mortality rates and children being so neglected they were potbellied and malnourished.
As the full facts emerge from this inquiry we may brace ourselves, I fear, for even more appalling disclosures.
Through all of this it is imperative survivors are supported.
They were made to feel ashamed, that they were somehow inferior who deserved to be punished.
They must be the priority now. The legislation on ‘tracing’ rights is long overdue. All records must be made available to families.
And it’s vital the necessary resources including counselling
services are put in place to assist mothers and adopted children searching for each other.
We cannot hide from what happened in our state-funded, church-run institutions any longer.
So the clampdown on clampers is finally happening. Happy days.
The industry is now to be fully regulated with all clampers forced to abide by a cap on fines and penalties.
For far too long operators targeting private car parks and property were a law unto themselves.
They could quite simply charge what they liked and there was no way for motorists to appeal which was just plain wrong, not to mention infuriating people.
But that’s about to change, thanks to Leo Varadkar. Under the Transport Minister’s new Vehicle Clamping Bill all operators will have to abide by the same set of rules and will face a fine themselves if they breach the regulations.
And in cases where motorists feel the clamper has acted unfairly or inappropriately they will have a way for redress through an appeals process.
It seems only fair too a fine of €100 is the maximum that can be charged for releasing a clamp and €50 for releasing a car that has been towed away.
The new law is aimed at weeding out bogus operators, some of whom were charging up to €300, to the frustration of drivers.
At least now if motorists feel they have been unfairly clamped, they can take a complaint to an independent officer designated by the NTA.
It’s not before time.
Thongs just wrong
I’m not sure who invented the man’s one-sided bikini thong, but I hope to God this latest fashion craze doesn’t take off and become a regular sight on beaches this summer.
Photos emerged during the week of TOWIE star Bobby Cole Norris and his other half Harry Derbidge sporting the skimpy swimwear. And let’s just say they weren’t pretty.
The less-than-flattering thongs barely covered their manhood while their bums were practically fully exposed. Thankfully, both had shaved down below so we didn’t get an eyeful of their pubic hair as well.
However, still it was still OTT and far from sexy. If you are going to wear practically nothing while prancing about on the beach, you need to have the body for it. And even then it can still be off-putting.
I thought tight Speedos were unpleasant enough to the eye, but now this.
Here’s hoping these scanty thongs don’t catch on in Ireland – I don’t think I’d have the stomach for it.
Far from being a turn-on, they’re a real turn-off.