| "No-one Is Alone" in Fight against Sex Abuse
By Hollie Joyce
The Recorder
June 12, 2014
NATIONAL sexual abuse service representatives visited Port Pirie recently to network with the local service providers to combine forces to make a difference.
Knowing where to go for help and support is essential in dealing with large issues in life and these women are passionate about making the appropriate services known.
Royal Commission support services counsellor with Victim Support Service Jac Taylor and knowmore legal service lawyer Kate Halliday met with regional coordinator for the Victim Support Service, Jenny Lewis, who is based in Port Pirie. They also met with Centacare, police, welfare group Uniting Care Wesley, Red Cross and social workers from the hospital.
The Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse gives the opportunity for people to disclose and receive help for the first time with both current and historic incidents.
Kate said they see people of all ages come and open up, as their need for help and healing in that area of life is still important.
The main message being conveyed to the community through the visit was that no-one is alone and it is never too late to open up to seek help.
SPREADING?THE?WORD…Royal Commission support services coun-sellor with Victim Support Service Jac Taylor, left, regional coordinator for Victim Support Service Jenny Lewis and knowmore legal service lawyer Kate Halliday.