Long Island Business Forced Workers into Onionhead "Religion," Lawsuit Claims

By Bob Allen
Associated Baptist Press
June 12, 2014

These Onionheads were a bunch of knuckleheads.

The feds are suing a Long Island company that employees say they were forced to leave because they refused to participate in religious rites in the workplace called Onionhead — which included praying, thanking God for their jobs, and saying "I love you" to management and co-workers — a lawsuit charges.

Three former employees complained to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and federal investigators confirmed that United Health Programs of America in Syosset and its parent company, Cost Containment Group, had discriminated against them based on religion.

"Defendants have required employees to engage in practices pursuant to a belief system called 'Harnessing Happiness,' or more commonly, 'Onionhead,’" EEOC lawyer Sunu Chandy said in the complaint.

"Onionhead related religious practices ... have included praying, reading spiritual texts, discussing personal matters with colleagues and management, burning candles, and keeping dim lighting in the workplace," asserts the suit, filed Wednesday in Long Island Federal Court.

The website for the Harnessing Happiness Foundation says Onionhead was created 20 years ago by a mother and her daughter to help followers lead more peaceful and successful lives.

After one ex-employee spoke out against Onionhead, she was moved out of her office and replaced with a large statue of Buddha, the suit claims.

A Cost Containment official identified in the suit only as "Denali" allegedly is the leader of Onionhead practices at the company and retaliated against employees Elizabeth Ontaneda, Francine Pennisi and Faith Pabon, who balked at attending one-on-one sessions with her to discuss "divine plans" and "moral codes."

After Pennisi spoke out against Onionhead at a company meeting, stating that she was Catholic, she was moved out of her office and Denali replaced her with a large statue of Buddha, the suit claims.

Denali allegedly referred to "demons" in connection with Ontaneda's and Pennisi's resistance to Onionhead.

The women were demoted and then terminated, according to the lawsuit.

In a telephone interview, Denali Jordan said she was an independent consultant to Cost Containment and denied that Onionhead was a religious practice.

"This (complaint) has been going on for years and it is based on untruths and money," Jordan told The News. "The EEOC just likes going after companies and causing problems. There will be something good that comes from this that helps others."

"It hurts my soul ... From my heart to yours, thank you for calling," she said.

Chandy said the EEOC was unsuccessful in trying to negotiate a settlement of the discrimination claims.

David Sutton, the lawyer representing United Health Programs of America, said in a statement, "The EEOC lawsuit is completely devoid of merit and we expect that it will be summarily dismissed."








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