is about the kind of country Ireland was where women were the
focus of shame’
By Miriam Lord Irish TimesMiriam Lord June 11,
2014 http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/this-is-about-the-kind-of-country-ireland-was-where-women-were-the-focus-of-shame-1.1827625
‘All to do with an Ireland
past, of course. We’re much more tolerant now. Enda pulled out
all the stops in the Dáil. In fairness, he’s damn good at
this. He oozes compassion and understanding.’ |
The publication of the Cooke report should
have taken our minds off the Tuam babies story, but it
didn’t. After the furore caused by the allegations
surrounding alleged bugging of the Garda Ombudsman office by
persons unknown, the arrival of the report into the affair was
met with tired indifference around Leinster House. Although the
government is happy, as Mr Justice Cooke concluded the evidence
did not support the proposition. Some in South Dublin (or
perhaps further afield, if he’s had enough of Kildare
Street for the present) like Alan Shatter was probably allowing
himself a rueful smile.
Sometimes, a ball of smoke is just that – a ball of smoke.
Is it case closed? It would seem to be, unless GSOC or the Sunday
Times or Verrimus
(the interntional security company which carried out the
examination of GSOC premises which gave rise to suspicion in the
first place) can say otherwise.
But the day was really about the terrible
history of Ireland’s mother and baby homes. All to do with
an Ireland past, of course. We’re much more tolerant now.
Enda pulled out all the stops in the Dáil. In fairness,
he’s damn good at this. He oozes compassion and
understanding. He can gather up a nation’s pain and soothe
it with just the right amount of sadness, contrition and anger.
A good deal of this is down to language. The Taoiseach casts out
lines which catch the heart and sum up what most of us have been
feeling. With lyrical bluntness, he holds the shameful deeds of
a shared past up to the light and we publicly acknowledge our
disgrace. For the first couple of times, the evocative phrases
and skilful honesty really struck home. That emotional eloquence
was on show again in the Dáil yesterday. But this time,
we were kinda expecting it. Which somewhat took the shine off
the latest performance.
Perhaps this is unfair to Enda. Nobody
would question his sincerity in moving to unearth the truth
behind the festering story of what happened to women and infants
in Mother and Baby Homes during very dark chapters of Irish
history. It’s just that one could detect a certain
tiredness in some quarters of the chamber.
The Taoiseach was showered with praise for
his passionate speech in the wake on the publication of The
Cloyne Report, when he spoke of the report showing “the
dysfunction, the disconnection, the elitism that dominates the
Vatican today” and blasted the church for its treatment of
victims of clerical sexual abuse. And who can forget his
wonderful speech when, with the Magdalene laundry women watching
from the public gallery, he tearfully apologised on behalf of
the nation for the suffering forced upon them by a callous and
uncaring state. Just over a year ago, those elderly women left
Leinster House walking on air, hand in hand, singing. But today,
many have yet to benefit from the great promises made to them.
Yesterday, the Taoiseach returned to the well. His Minister for
Children had just announcement a wide-ranging Commission of
Investigation into practices throughout most of the last century
at Ireland’s mother and baby homes. (That sounds like a
long time ago, but it’s not.) The Government acted swiftly
following the outcry over a report that as many as 800 infants
could be buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds of a former
home in Galway.
It isn’t known how many bodies lie there. What is known is
that all these babies – born to unmarried women sent away
to these places — died over the decades, with not even a
simple marker to remember them by. “This is an issue for
Ireland, because if this is not handled properly, then
Ireland’s soul, in many ways, will lie, like the babies of
so many of these mothers, in an unmarked grave”, Enda told
the Dáil in one of his most quotable phrases.
The inquiry was being established
“with a sense of sadness, but equally, with a sense of
duty and resolve.” He spoke of “a disturbing
symbiosis between church and state” which led to this
dreadful treatment of young women who became pregnant out of
wedlock. “This is about the kind of country Ireland was,
where women, in particular, were the focus of shame and
suppression.” More than once, he emphasised with great
feeling: “The Women of Ireland – Mná na
hEireann.” One female deputy on the Government benches
glanced up and rolled her eyes. The young women, quivered Enda,
“having been banished from the country to have their
babies in Liverpool or in England or wherever else.”
Independent TD Clare
Daly shook her hand, then clapped a hand to her face, before
giving a hollow laugh. It was clear she was thinking of the
thousands of young Irish women who travel to Liverpool or
England or wherever else to have abortions because this State
won’t allow them happen here. Yet nobody on the Opposition
side would argue with the Government for putting this commission
in place. They thanked the Taoiseach for it and pledged their
co-operation. And they hoped that the people who are still
suffering since those days will be properly looked after by the
state. The Taoiseach gave his word. Gerry
Adams reminded him that Sinn Féin brought up the
situation pertaining to the Bethany Home for some time, without
much response. Still, he was pleased to hear that these
institutions will also be included in the investigation.
The Taoiseach’s passion is understandable in these
situations. The mother and baby homes represent an element of
our not so glorious past, he repeated. His passion remains
undimmed when dealing with elements of our political present.
After the sombre material of Leaders Questions, the Taoiseach
caused consternation when he declared that the Oireachtas
banking inquiry can’t possibly proceed until the committee
concerned has a Government majority.
Due to a cock-up last week, the
Coaltion’s carefully engineered selection committee fell
apart when one of their number didn’t turn up for the
vote. Now, Fianna Fáil’s Marc MacSharry sits on the
committee and the Government is trying to get him off it. As an
apoplectic Micheál Martin listened in disbelief, Enda
said that “in order for terms of reference to be adopted
and for a mandate to be given, the Government need to have a
majority here.” It seems the Taoiseach is in a pickle over
the inquiry his Government swore would be absolutely
“How do I know what the members will do?” he told
Micheál. “Do you realise the degree to which you
are undermining the impartiality of the committee” he
said. It was simply “extraordinary” he marvelled.
“The Taoiseach has stated that he is going to dictate the
terms of reference.” He protested noisily, whereupon
Labour’s Eric
Byrne urged the Ceann Comhairle to throw him out. The
Taoiseach, having said his piece about wanting a majority on
this avowedly non-political committee, said he had not time for
Micheál’s “false anger”. This put the
tin hat on it for the Fianna Fáil leader, who reminded
Enda that Fine Gael’s leader in the Seanad insinuated in
the Upper Chamber that Marc MacSharry wasn’t eligible to
sit on the committee because “he had a conflict on
Enda had let the cat out of the bag as far
as Micheál was concerned. “The Taoiseach has just
confirmed what he is up to, what he has been doing all
And then the Ceann Comhairle suspended the
sitting because of the noise.
The Taoiseach seemed unconcerned. Never
mind our not so glorious past. What about the not so glorious