Mother-and-baby campaign group says probe ‘appears to answer everything we were calling for
June 10, 2014
Philomena Lee |
THIS AFTERNOON’S ANNOUNCEMENT that the Government is to set up a full Commission of Investigation into the operation of mother-and-baby homes has been welcomed by the Adoption Rights Alliance, which campaigns on behalf of women who were formerly resident in the institutions.
Amnesty International, the ISPCC, and the Children’s Rights Alliance have also given the announcement a broad welcome.
Children’s Minister Charlie Flanagan confirmed today that the commission will have full statutory powers and will “not be interfered with by government”.
It follows a Cabinet meeting this morning, at which ministers were briefed on the issue by the Minister.
Susan Lohan of the Adoption Rights Alliance said that Flanagan’s announcement appeared to “answer everything we were calling for”.
She said she also welcomed statements from the Catholic Archbishops of Dublin and Tuam in recent days, which she said indicated that Church archives would be made available to investigators.
“Certainly on the face of it, it’s looking good, because the Minister mentioned the importance of timeliness.
He particularly referenced the high mortality rates, burial practices, all of the circumstances surrounding adoption — and by that we’re particularly interested in forced adoptions, illegal adoptions.
“He also referenced the clinical trials, which as far as we’re aware were carried out without parental consent.”
Lohan noted, however, that the investigation could have been avoided if previous Governments had agreed to look into the practices at mother-and-baby homes.
“These matters could have been dealt with decades ago.”
The Adoption Rights Alliance has been campaigning on behalf of Philomena Lee, whose search for her son was turned into an Oscar-nominated film, for the State to give adopted people and their families access to adoption records.
Lohan said she had been in contact with members of Lee’s family today, and that they backed this afternoon’s announcement by the Government.