| Wood Royal Commission Instigator John Hatton Calls for "Evictions" from Catholic Church in Wake of Damning Inquiry
By Giselle Wakatama
ABC News
June 5, 2014
Former NSW Independent MP John Hatton calls for a clean out of Catholic Church ranks in the wake of the Special Commission of Inquiry.
A former New South Wales MP who warned about clergy abuse in the Hunter Valley says people should be evicted from the Catholic church in the wake of a damning Special Commission of Inquiry.
The Inquiry looked at cover-ups relating to paedophile priests Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher.
Commissioner Margaret Cunneen was critical of some church witnesses saying they were misleading or reluctant to give evidence.
Former Independent MP John Hatton who is credited with instigating the Wood Royal Commission into police also gave evidence.
More than 25 years ago Mr Hatton wrote to the then Archbishop of Sydney Edward Clancy, raising concerns about McAlinden.
He says a thorough investigation did not happen and he now believes heads should roll.
"I want to see more than a statement from the Pope," he said.
"I want to see action evicting people from the church."
He says there should be consequences for failings within the church.
"If it's necessary to expose bishops and cardinals, do it.
"Unless the church changes direction right at the very top people cannot be reassured that the Vatican is a den of iniquity in itself."
Mr Hatton says he wants to see massive compensation for victims of clergy abuse.
He says he has worked with abused children and finds it difficult to comprehend the difficulties they endured.
"I saw the damage, I saw the ruined lives.
"It still upsets me very greatly that a church can do this to people and not be accountable.
"It's an absolute bloody disgrace."
The Special Commission of Inquiry has recommended the Director of Public Prosecutions bring charges against one senior priest.