Shamed, disgusted diocese set to face abuse reality
Newcastle Herald
June 2, 2014
Bishop Bill Wright wants to find a way forward |
A CATHOLIC diocese whose response to child sexual abuse was criticised by a special commission of inquiry will now work through ‘‘the realities’’ of its history, its bishop says.
Bishop Bill Wright says the Maitland-Newcastle diocese will have feelings of disgust, anger and betrayal after reading Commissioner Margaret Cunneen’s report looking at how the church handled complaints about former priests Denis McAlinden and Jim Fletcher, both now dead.
‘‘Commissioner Cunneen’s report is wholly independent and I believe it will detail a forensic investigation of the actions and failures of diocesan leadership to protect children and, in relation to McAlinden, stop a known predatory paedophile from causing further harm,’’ he said.
‘‘Whilst we must judge a person’s actions by the standards of their time, that does not alter my feelings of deep and abiding shame for the actions and inactions of my predecessors.’’
He said the three-volume report (the fourth volume is still confidential) will evoke feelings of anger, disgust, sadness, frustration and betrayal among members of the church.
The inquiry also made adverse findings against Father William Burston and Monsignor Allan Hart, and found that senior church officials did have information about child sex abuse that would have assisted the police.
‘‘We were not the only church to have had abusive priests and we were not the only institution to have failed to protect children,’’ Bishop Wright said.
‘‘However, none of that relieves us of the historic realities that we as a diocese are now working through to address in a just and faithful manner. I believe that Commissioner Cunneen’s report is a significant step in that process.’’
The inquiry also found that Detective Inspector Peter Fox – who alleged there had been a cover-up – was not a credible witness. It said it was appropriate for police to instruct him to stop his own investigations.
The findings were welcomed yesterday by police Commissioner Andrew Scipione.
‘‘The commission found there was ‘no credible evidence’ of any wrongdoing by those officers undertaking their investigations or their commanders. The commission probed forensically into the role police played,’’ he said in a statement.
‘‘Those officers can hold their heads up high. We are proud of them. Their motivation was to seek justice for victims – they had no other motivation.’’
He said the officers could now get on with their lives
However, survivor advocates have challenged the findings.
Abuse survivors’ advocate Carol Clarke said there were flaws in the way Mr Fox’s evidence was treated and the royal commission needed to examine that. AAP