sceptic tank grave 'containing the skeletons of 800 babies' at
site of Irish home for unmarried mothers
By Alison O'reilly Daily Mail (UK) June 2,
The bodies of 796 babies and
children are believed to lie next to the former children's
home at Tuam, Co. Galway |
Horror: The scandal of the
babies in the mass grave was discovered by local historian,
Catherine Corless |
Bridget Dolan: Her two sons
were placed in the Mother and Baby home at Tuam and both are
recorded as having died there |
Dark secrets: Children at
the tea room at Sean Ross Abbey in Tipperary eat under the
stern gaze of a nun |
The nursery at Sean Ross:
The home, which opened in 1930, had an astonishingly high
infant mortality rate |
Life at the home: Babies and
children enjoy the sunshine outside the children's home at
Sean Ross Abbey |
The bodies of nearly 800
babies are believed to have been interred in a concrete tank
beside a former home for unmarried mothers.
The dead babies are
thought to have been secretly buried beside a home for single
mothers and their children in County Galway, Ireland, over a
period of 36 years.
It is suspected that 796
children were interred on unconsecrated ground without
headstones or coffins next to the home run by the Bon Secours
nuns in Tuam between 1925 and 1961.
Newly unearthed reports
show that they suffered malnutrition and neglect, which caused
the deaths of many, while others died of measles, convulsions,
TB, gastroenteritis and pneumonia.
The babies were usually
buried in a plain shroud without a coffin in a plot that had
housed a water tank attached to the workhouse that preceded the
mother and child home.
No memorial was erected
to the dead children and the grave was left unmarked.
The site is now
surrounded by a housing estate. But a missing persons
report just filed to Irish police, gardai, means that the
burial site may now be excavated.
A relative of one boy who
lived there, William Joseph Dolan, has made a formal complaint
to gardai after she failed to find his death certificate,
despite records in the home stating that he had died.
A source close to the
investigation said: 'No-one knows the total number of
babies in the grave.
There are 796 death
records but they are only the ones we know of.
'God knows who else
is in the grave. It's been lying there for years and no-one
knows the full extent or total of bodies down there.'
The existence of the
grave was uncovered by local woman Catherine Corless, who
compiled the records of 796 babies who died at the home.
She has established a group called the Children's Home
Graveyard Committee to erect a memorial.
She said: 'People who
had relations there are the most interested. They are
delighted something is being done.
'When I was doing the
research, someone mentioned there was a graveyard there for
babies but I found out there was more to it than that.'
With the help of the
Births and Deaths Registrar in Galway, Mrs Corless researched
all children whose place of death was marked
'Children's Home, Tuam'. Galway County
Council has all the cemetery books for Mayo and Galway, and
with the help of the archivist there, Mrs Corless cross-checked
the grave records.
She said: 'There was
just one child who was buried in a family plot in the graveyard
in Tuam. That's how I am certain there are 796
children in the mass grave. These girls were run out of
their family home and never taken back, so why would they take
the babies back to bury them, either?'
The records state that a
young single mother called Bridget Dolan from Clonfert, Co.
Galway, gave birth to two boys who were placed in the home.
John Desmond Dolan was
born on 22 February 1946 weighing 8lb 9oz. His birth was
recorded as 'normal' but he died from measles on 11
June 1947.
His brother, William
Joseph Dolan, was born on 21 May 1950 and was said to
have died the following year, but there is no death
certificate for William.
His relative, who asked
not to be named, said: 'I just want to know what happened
to him. He may have passed on, yet there is no death
certificate. I believe he might have been fostered out,
and then moved to the US.
'He could still be
alive, or he's with his brother in the grave. I want
to find out.'
A local health board
inspection report carried out in 1944 reveals the conditions
the children and their mothers lived in.
It reveals that in April
that year, 271 children were listed as living there with 61
single mothers, a total of 333 - way over its capacity of 243.
One 13-month-old boy was
described as a 'miserable, emaciated child with voracious
appetite and no control over bodily functions and probably
mentally defective'.
In the same room was a
'delicate' ten-month-old baby who was a 'child of
itinerants', while one five-year-old child was described
as having 'hands growing near shoulders'.
Another 31 infants in
the same room were described as 'poor babies, emaciated
and not thriving'.
The majority were aged
between three weeks and 13 months and were 'fragile,
pot-bellied and emaciated'.
The oldest child who
died there was Sheila Tuohy, aged nine, in 1934. One of
the youngest was Thomas Duffy, aged two days.
Teresa Kelly, chairman
of the Children's Home Graveyard Committee, said an
excavation was long overdue.
'It's an awful
story,' she said. 'It's a mass grave.
Many of the babies were malnourished. We want to make
sure those children's identities are acknowledged.
They had names, they were human beings, not animals.'
The grave was discovered
in the 1970s by 12-year-old friends, Barry Sweeney and Francis
Mr Sweeney said: 'It
was a concrete slab and we used to play there but there was
always something hollow underneath it so we decided to bust it
open and it was full to the brim of skeletons.
'The priest came
over and blessed it. I don't know what they did with
it after that. You could see all the skulls.'
The home, which closed
in 1961, was one of several such establishments -
Catholic and Protestant - for 'fallen women' across
Ireland which had astonishingly high infant mortality rates.
Sean Ross Abbey in
Tipperary was another: in the first year after it opened in
1930, 60 babies died out of a total of 120. Those who
survived, meanwhile, were often sold abroad to childless
At a memorial service at
the site of the home yesterday, it emerged that women who gave
birth at Sean Ross and other homes plan to file missing
persons reports in a bid to track down their children.
Philomena Lee, whose
three-year-old son, Anthony, was handed over by nuns at Sean
Ross to an American family 60 years ago, was among those at
the memorial service.
She said: 'It's
not about getting angry, it's about doing what's
right and it's about opening all the files.'
And Mrs Lee, whose
story was made into the Oscar-nominated film, Philomena,
added: 'Maybe the State never thought the mass graves
would be found out about. They seem to be wanting to
push it under the carpet, but it needs to be told.'
She said: 'I
don't know how many bodies of mothers and children are in
graves all over the country,
'I'm shocked at
the latest news of the mass grave [at Tuam] - it's
appalling and shouldn't be hidden.'