USA female Vatican Pied Piper says, “SNAP is wrong to discourage victims from meeting the pope” ...
By Paris Arrow
June 1, 2014
In the USA, there are several female Vatican Pied Pipers who are part of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team but we don’t want to waste our entire time writing about them. But there is one notable female VPP this time whom Christ impels us to write about, and like Australia’s VPP, she is also a counselor with victims of sexual abuse with many years of experience under her belt. From her article on Pope Francis planned meeting with victims in June, you can identify immediately the Mark of the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast. First, she attacks SNAP head-on in her title -– a literary trademark used by (her possibly fraternal Opus Dei brothers) Goliath-bully Bill Donohue of Catholic League and TheMediaReport – see our related articles and links below . Her article is religiously preachy about the "supernatural" or divine qualities of Pope Francis and they expound in detail, but very subtlety, the Opus Dei Plan and agenda for the meeting. In this post, we’ll expose in detail the American female Vatican Pied Piper Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea – who wrote in her “Viewpoint” article in NCR, “ SNAP is wrong to discourage victims from meeting the pope”.
According to Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea, these would be the main supernatural effects that a meeting with Pope Francis would achieve for some hand-picked survivors of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.
1. that Pope Francis is sufficiently different from his predecessors
2. that it is worthwhile for victims to meet him, look him in the eyes, tell him their stories, and ask for something.
3. it is an act of great courage and hope for which any victim/survivor should be richly supported
4. it may represent one grace-full rest stop on a very long journey.
5. it may result in a reconnection with the Divine that has been missing and missed for decades
6. it may add to the binding of wounds
Let’s show why these six points are pathological lies and why Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea is -- just like her “Holy Father of liars” Pope Francis -- and her boss, the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. It is amazing how the Father of Lies Pope Francis can multiply his papal liars – those Francis-Maniacs followers - especially stupid Catholic women.
1. Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea says that Pope Francis “is different from his predecessors” – no, he is not different at all - he is the same - but worse! Pope Francis brings the papacy to a new level into the deepest depths of evil - worse than all his predecessors combined. In fact, he is the worst criminal pope because he is the worst liar more than all popes combined and he is the biggest thief of mankind – read our article - Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
2. It is not “worthwhile for victims to meet him, look him in the eyes, tell him their stories, and ask for something” – because Pope Francis is the reincarnation of the Devil. Victims will actually meet Lucifer the Devil transformed into an Angel of Light and attend Pope Francis Satanic Mass at his papal chapel – and bow to him -- that he has the “supernatural” power to clone Christ - when he cannot clone an ant or a dog. That papal mass is another attempt to have a Mass of Atonement, read our article, MYTHS of Archdiocesan MASS of ATONEMENT& Healing – it’s SORCERY and DARK MAGIC by Archbishops Listecki & CHAPUT CANNOT CLONE Christ or dogs
3. The meeting is not “an act of great courage and hope for which any victim/survivor should be richly supported” – because the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is exploiting these victims for political photo-ops of Pope Francis. Those pre-selected and primed victims are actually being re-victimize a second time as they betray their fellow brothers and sisters who were bestially tortured by the horrendous JP2 Army for half a century, read our related article, the Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
4. This phrase that the meeting “may represent one grace-full rest stop on a very long journey” proves that Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea is an Opus Dei member because of the word “grace” – to Opus Dei members, the Holy Father is the apex of grace and every Opus Dei member must go to the Vatican to have a Mass and photo with him. It is hogwash to say that “ A very long journey” of bestial sodomy from pedophile priests of JP2 Army – would end in a “one grace-filled rest stop” at the Vatican – the very evil hierarchy that protected all pedophile priests who sodomized them for years and protected their files for over half the 20th century - by evil popes who were heartless towards victims. This phrase is the most insulting to suffering victims and the band-aid panacea of “grace” by the Opus Dei Beast! This Pope Francis meeting is another Opus Dei Beast PR stunt that will make some feel-good move script like we wrote in our article - Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”
5. This is probably Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea worst line that the meeting may “result in a reconnection with the Divine that has been missing and missed for decades” because Pope Francis is no way Divine – even if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team present him with all kinds of religious titles in all magazine covers in the world. Pope Francis is the ultimate reincarnation of the Devil because he is the “father of lies and he came to steal, kill and destroy nations and poor people, women and children”, read our article - Pope Francis the CON Christ, Pretender & Imposter of Jesus, Merlin priest hoax who cannot clone Jesus or dogs. FRANCIS’ TOP 3 POPE CRIMES
As this image says, In Vatican II we say ‘man is equal to God’ -- and the Eucharist makes popes and priests not only ‘equal to God’ but even greater than God because they can clone Him – even if they cannot clone ants and dogs. The Eucharist is the ultimate Satanic Mass because popes and priests claim to be greater than the Devil Lucifer who was the brightest of Angels in Heaven. Pope Francis and priests claim to be greater than Christ because they can reincarnate His flesh in the Eucharist everyday and eat Him like cannibals and then have the power to lock him up in tabernacles like a prisoner and money in the vault of the bank!
6. The meeting will NEVER “add to the binding of wounds” – because Pope Francis has perpetually rub salt on victims’ wounds by canonizing the two popes who were the most responsible in the cover-up of thousands of pedophile priests in the 20th century. Read our article: Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years