Parishioner defends Shelton pastor’s performance
By Linda Hvizdo SheltHerald June 1, 2014
The Rev. John J. Stronkowski
has been removed as pastor of St. Margaret Mary Church in
Shelton by the Diocese of Bridgeport. |
I, along with many other parishioners of St. Margaret Mary
Church in Shelton, feel the forced resignation and public
flogging of Father John Stronkowski is unfair and unacceptable.
Why? First of all, the parishioners were given limited
information on why he was forcefully removed while the rest of
the story was broadcast in the local media.
Prior to Mass, we were read a letter from the Bishop
Caggiano, and instructed not to comment. No comments allowed?
The very people who support the church are not allowed to
question or comment, to get the real truth?
Has done much for the parish
I have asked countless fellow parishioners and not one can
understand why he is accused of not carrying on his ministerial
duties as he has done more for our parish than any priest we can
remember in over 30 years.
Father John is being chastised for not living at the
rectory. Where does the Pope live? He is also being accused of
having growing difficulties with the staff because he fired two
of them. Why did he fire them? Perhaps it was necessary?
He supposedly had difficulties with “lay
leaders.” Who are these people? I cannot find anyone to
say anything other than how happy they are with his performance.
But with no comments allowed. We can’t know if there
are maybe three people vs. 1,003 that have issues with him?
There when needed
While there may be circumstances that cause a perception
of him not being available to tend to his flock, I know
personally that he drops whatever he is doing to go to someone
in need.
He may teach classes, but he is sharing the gifts God gave
him, including the many repairs he has done for our parish that
saved us significant amounts of money.
But I was told by the bishop’s spokesperson that
that is not acceptable for a priest to do, he has to make a
choice to either minister exclusively, or choose another career.
Like we have enough good priests to cast one out for having
other interests. Didn’t Jesus do carpentry?
According to the newspapers, there were rumors that he may
be seeing a woman, and although Father John denies it, the
public is told he is being reviewed for clerical misconduct
involving another adult. A public flogging with no proof.
But when we have a priest that does the unthinkable with a
child, he just gets moved to another parish with everything
swept under the carpet.
Integrity is being assaulted
This may be Bishop Caggiano’s way of protecting the
faithful and the integrity of the priesthood, but I, along with
many others, believe he assaulted the integrity of Father John
in public before he was given a fair trial, and the most
insulting part is, the parishioners of St. Margaret Mary were
not asked their opinions or feelings, but told to keep quiet.
It appears unidentified “lay leaders” are the
only ones worthy of having an opinion.
I urge all who have their own opinions to call Bishop
Caggiano and express their concerns. Evidently, another priest
is being appointed our pastor in June. So much for a fair review
— guilty before proven.
I, for one, think Father John has done an outstanding job
of tending to the church and parishioners and would like him to
be appointed our pastor.