| Ricardo Aldana, Former Jserra High Teacher, Convicted of Lewd Acts W/14-year-old Girl
By Gustavo Arellano
Orange County Weekly
May 29, 2014
Gustavo here. Ricardo Aldana, a former Spanish teacher at JSerra High in San Juan Capistrano and South County girl's volleyball coach arrested way back in 2011 on charges of having sex with a then-14-year-old student, was finally convicted today.
A jury got him on three counts of lewd acts but acquitted him of four other counts alleging the same thing. Potatoe, potato: pervert pendejo is GUILTY.
City News Service reported that Aldana "cried softly as the verdicts were read." QUIERE LLORAR! QUIERE LLORAR! Moral of the story? DON'T HAVE SEX WITH 14-YEAR-OLD GIRLS.
I couldn't cover the trial, but the prosecution brought up Aldana's predilection for going after high school girls, an assertion that Aldana defense attorney Michael Molfetta excused by saying that he never had sex with the 16-year-old he was dating until she turned 18 and asked the girl's family's permission to court her, according to City News.
More--much more--as more details right now, but a special shout-out goes to the current JSerra football player who sent me this email last night:
Your a bitch
Aldana is innocent and don't be jealous you didn't go to JSerra. Everyone knows our school is the shit now, so don't try bagging on us just because of this accused teacher (not even guilty yet)
Sent from your Vagina
Stay classy, JSerra: You just might become Mater Dei yet!
Email: garellano@ocweekly.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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