Speculation that the Vatican may be investigating Bishop Robert Finn
May 28, 2014
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - There's speculation at the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese, that Pope Francis may have made a direct reference to Bishop Robert Finn.
The pontiff declared zero tolerance for any member of the clergy who would violate a child. Pope Francis said three bishops are currently under investigation for abuse related reasons, one is already convicted and needs punishment.
Finn was convicted of failing to report suspected child abuse by ex-priest Shawn Ratigan. Lewd images of little girls were found on his computer. Rebecca Randles, represents several plaintiffs in the Ratigan case.
"If this turns out to be Bishop Finn, the best case scenario is that he's no longer in Kansas City and preferably in a role where he doesn't have supervisory contact with children," said Randles.
Ratigan is locked up for 50 years. Finn got two years probation. The diocese says it has no solid reason to think the Pope was referring to Bishop Finn. A spokesman also said, it has not reached out for legal counsel following the pontiff's statements.