Royal Commission seeks Jewish victims
May 13, 2014
Manny Waks |
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is calling for Jewish victims/survivors of child sexual abuse to come forward and share their story.
Royal Commission CEO Janette Dines said that while more than 1,500 people from across Australia have shared their story with a Commissioner, there may be many more who are yet to make contact with the Royal Commission.
“A recent telephone survey found that while there is widespread community awareness of the Royal Commission, many people are still unsure about what the Royal Commission can look into,” Ms Dines said.
“We encourage all Australians to find out more about the work of the Royal Commission and how survivors of child sexual abuse in an institution can share their story.”
According to the research around 65% of those surveyed were aware of the Royal Commission however of these:
people aged 50+ were most likely to be aware of the Royal Commission
24% did not know the role of the Royal Commission
40% did not know which organisations the Royal Commission could examine and 37% thought the Royal Commission could only examine religious organisations
50% did not know how to share their story with the Royal Commission
residents from NSW/ACT were most likely to be aware of the Royal Commission (74%); followed by SA/NT 68%, TAS 67%, VIC and WA 62% and QLD 57%
Ms Dines said the Royal Commission was distributing information about its work across an extensive network of government bodies, service providers, and community groups.
“We strongly encourage anyone who experienced child sexual abuse while in the care of a Jewish institution, and wishes to share their story, to make contact with the Royal Commission,” Ms Dines said.
Manny Waks heads Tzedek a Jewish advocacy group focusing on community cases. He told J-Wire: “We’re pleased to be in a position to work closely with the Royal Commission on matters relating to the Jewish community. Since its inception the Royal Commission staff have demonstrated a lot of good will and great sensitivity in addressing this complex matter within our community.
We reiterate our call for anyone with information regarding the sexual abuse of children and/or subsequent cover-ups within any Jewish institution to share this with the Royal Commission. This is a unique opportunity to hold individuals and institutions to account, as well as to ensure that the injustices of the past are not repeated. From the numerous accounts that we’ve received, the private session is a most dignified and positive experience. As a Royal Commission funded service provider, Tzedek stands ready to assist, support or advise as appropriate. The time for silence is over; it is now time for accountability and justice.”
People wishing to find out more about the Royal Commission can contact 1800 099 340 or make initial contact with a support service
For more information visit