'It's a
cesspool of sex': Women sue director of megachurch-affiliated
rehab ...
By Joshua Gardner Daily Mail (UK) May 12, 2014
Accused: David and Tina
Powers run several San Diego drug rehab facilities and were
accused in a civil suit filed Thursday of turning their sober
living homes into a 'cesspool of sex' |
Among the six plaintiffs are
former Powers employee Andria Donovan (left) and former
patient Jaycee Peacock, who both claim to have been repeatedly
groped and harassed by the born again Christian |
'I was terrified if I told
anyone I wouldn¿t be able to complete my treatment':
20-year-old recovering heroin addict Taylor Peyton of Ohio
first filed the suit and alleges that Powers harassed her
repeatedly in the months leading up to January, when she
claims she left Soledad House after Powers penetrated her
vagina with his fingers |
Megachurch: Powers' company
ABC Sober Living has close ties with The Rock Church, a 12,000
member megachurch founded in 2000 by former San Diego Charger
Miles McPherson, who is not named in the suit. The Rock Church
has admitted no wrongdoing and distanced itself from Powers
since the suit was filed |
'David made disgusting
sexual comments and found a way to touch me every single day
that I was there,' claims Peacock |
'It's a cesspool of sex': Women sue
director of megachurch-affiliated rehab on claims he routinely
groped, harassed and even laid on top of them as they slept
Six women filed suit
against San Diego's The Rock Church on Thursday, saying
they were sexually harassed at a drug and alcohol recovery
program associated with the megachurch.
The lawsuit says the Rock
offered counseling and housing to women in a program led by
David Powers, who is accused of repeatedly fondling residents
and making lewd sexual advances and laying atop at least one of
the recovering drug addicts as she slept.
‘They’ve gone
there to seek healing and what they get is a sex fest,’
attorney Irwin Zalkin, who’s helping represent the women,
told NBC
San Diego. ‘I mean, that’s really what this place
is -- it’s a cesspool of sex.’
‘I literally just
ran out of the golf cart. I didn’t know what he was
talking about,’ the Ohio native told BuzzFeed.
Peyton alleges that the
harassment escalated until Powers began to come into her room,
lay on her sleeping body, and grope her breasts and buttocks.
She claims she finally
parted ways with the rehab center and its leader when Powers
'penetrated her with his fingers, then put her hand on his
penis and asked her to stimulate him,' according to
If the accusations of
Peyton and her five fellow plaintiffs are to be believed,
Powers has a years-long history of this type of behavior.
‘As soon as I
arrived, David began making inappropriate comments to me. Soon
enough, he was slapping my butt and walking into the room when
I was naked,’ Jaycee Peacock, who entered Soledad House
in July 2012, told NBC San Diego.
‘David made
disgusting sexual comments and found a way to touch me every
single day that I was there,’ Peacock said.
Peacock and Peyton are
joined in their suit by former patients Hannah Paul, Jane Roe
and Mary Catherin Grayson as well as a former employee of
Powers' Andria Donovan.
David Powers denied the
allegations in a length statement that says, in part:
‘At the end of
January 2014 a female resident with mental health issues
alleged that while she lived in a facility other than ours
that one of our principals imposed himself on her in a sexual
manner. We categorically deny this allegation.
‘We take things of
this nature very seriously and we have always had a zero
tolerance for this type of behavior. We have been helping
people get sober for 17 years and this is the first time a
rumor of this kind has ever come up.’
It’s possible the
resident the statement refers to is plaintiff Jane Roe, who
claims that in September 2011 she awoke to find Powers’
employee Fred Murray groping her thighs and calves.
Roe claims that when
she alerted Tina Powers of the issue, she threatened to expel
Roe from the program.
Court documents also
allege that Tina and David Powers would have sex with their
bedroom door open while hosting women in their home.
The Rock Church said
the accusations are troubling but that none of the alleged
behavior occurred on its property or by anyone under its
authority. The church said it stopped referring women to
Powers' ABC Sober Living after learning of the
allegations Monday.
The Rock was formed in
2000 and says about 12,000 people attend its Sunday services.
It is led by founder Miles McPherson, a former defensive back
for the San Diego Chargers, who is not named as a defendant.
The lawsuit filed in
San Diego Superior Court names Rock Church Ministries, ABC
Sober Living and David and Tina Powers as defendants. It says
the church's "Rock Recovery Ministry" featured
Powers' residential treatment programs.
An October 2009 video
posted to YouTube by the church names David and Tina Powers
‘Rock Heroes’ for that month ‘for their
outstanding dedication, sacrificial service, and faithful
San Diego police
conducted an investigation involving Powers and a woman and
decided against pursuing criminal charges, said Lt. Mike
Holden, who declined to name the woman.