Catholic Education Office employs child safety expert
By Chris Calcino
May 12, 2014
Convicted pedophile school teacher Gerard Byrnes leaves the Toowoomba Watch house after his arrest in November, 2008. |
AN EXPERT in student protection was engaged by the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office in the wake of February's inquiry into child sexual abuse at a Toowoomba school.
The revelation that pedophile teacher Gerard Vincent Byrnes was rehired despite serious complaints about his conduct, only to reoffend, has done enormous damage to the educational institution's reputation.
An open letter to parents, signed by Bishop Robert McGuckin and Toowoomba CEO director John Borserio, sought to reassure them the inquiry's recommendations had been implemented.
"Most recently, we engaged Dr Monica Applewhite (whose work in policy development for the prevention of abuse, including sexual abuse, and maintaining safe environments for children is well respected internationally) to deliver professional development training to principals and student protection contacts in the area of child sexual abuse," it stated.
"Dr Applewhite presented in person and the DVD recording of her presentation has been made available to staff in all schools in the diocese.
"Our enhancements to training materials are ongoing and our school principals receive regular communications from the Catholic Education Office to ensure they have the latest information and supplementary training resources for their school staff."
The Carmody Inquiry review of Australia's child protection system, conducted in July 2012, will further dictate what changes are necessary.
"Since 2009, the legislation that governs our student protection reporting obligations in Queensland has been amended a number of times," the letter stated.
"Our student protection policy and procedure was enhanced to reflect these legislative changes and training provided to staff members to understand what the changes mean for them and their reporting responsibilities.
"Recent inquiries, for example, the Carmody Inquiry, are likely to bring about further amendments to reporting obligations.
"We are abreast of these inquiries' recommendations and will make amendments to our policy and procedures as and when the legislation is implemented."