Day two Royal Commission evidence: Regular beatings, sexual abuse and hard labour
By Emily Moulton
Perth Now
April 29, 2014
Abuse victim Raphael 'Ray' Ellul outside the Royal Commission after giving evidence into the allegations of child sex abuse regarding the Christian Brothers in WA. |
John Holoway with other protesters seeking justice outside the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Perth yesterday. |
John Hennessey gave horrific evidence yesterday to the Royal Commission about the abuse he suffered at the Christian Brothers run home in Bindoon in the 1940s. |
THEY called him “Killer Moore”, the Christian brother whose “liberal” use of a leather strap sparked fear in almost every child at Bindoon Farm School.
Such was his reputation that Clifford Walsh “feared him” more than any other brother at the institution even though he was also brutally raped by a number of the others.
Mr Walsh was just nine when he received his first beating by Brother Moore, his second day at Bindoon.
He learnt very quickly the ferocity of his wrath. And his supposed crime? Being unable to carry a heavy crow bar for three miles.
Mr Walsh is the fifth person to give evidence at the first public hearing of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sex Abuse in Perth.
The commission is investigating how the Christian Brothers and successive WA governments responded to allegations of abuse at four homes at Bindoon, Contarf, Tardun and Castledare.
“I feared Brother Moore than any other,” Mr Walsh told the hearing. “I thought he was liberal with the strap. The other boys and I used to call him Killer Moore.
“On my second day at Bindoon, when I was nine years old, we were told to we were going to build a fence.
“A lot of the children were given tools to take to the site. Me and another boy were handed a crow bar and told to take it three miles on foot.
“After a few hundred yards the bar became very heavy ... we were late arriving at the site.
Brother Moore proceeded to punch both the other child and myself mercilessly.
“He punched me mainly to my face but also my chest. I was sobbing uncontrollably. Brother Moore then sat us on his knee and tried to console us. This only made me cry more.”
Mr Walsh said he thought the treatment was normal.
“They beat children in the middle of meals,” he said.
Mr Walsh, an orphan from England who was sent to Bindoon when he was 10, said one brother, Christopher Angus, raped him not long after he arrived at the school.
Another brother, Bruno Doyle, beat him so frequently, Mr Walsh said he believed the man got a kick out of it.
“I knew no other life and so I had no life ... I could compare with,” Mr Walsh said.
Left so traumatised by his experiences at the school, he now has trouble being affectionate with his only son.
“He hugs me and I hate it,” he said. “When he hugs me I push him away.”
Mr Walsh said he received no education at Bindoon and was forced into hard labour.
Justice to him, he said, would be the Christian Brothers admitting the wrong they had done.
“And doing something about it,” he said.
Mr Walsh was not the only person to give evidence at today’s hearing about Brother Moore vicious nature.
Another former resident, VV, whose name is suppressed, also told of how Brother Moore deliberately sewed half pennies into his leather strap for extra weight.
He spoke of one particular incident where he received such a “belting” that he thought he was going to die.
“Brother Moore had worked himself into such a frenzy,” he told the hearing. “He grabbed me and threw me against a door. I hit my head. I was covered in blood.”
VV explained he developed hearing problems later in life that he attributes to the particular beating by Brother Moore.
Both men also spoke of the brutal rapes they endured by Brothers Parker and Angus, the constant sexual assaults by Brothers Quillgan, Dick and Tuppin.
They told how they were tricked into helping the brothers with various tasks, then ended up being forced to perform various sexual acts on the older men. In some instances they were raped.
VV said he became Brother Parker’s “pet”. He was “rewarded” with kinder treatment, but this only lasted as long as he complied.
At the end of his evidence, VV said he was assaulted by more than a dozen perpetrators while he was at Bindoon.
He said nine brothers and a priest, plus five others which included other boys.
The sexual abuse against Mr Walsh ceased after he ran away, but he endured constant beatings while he remained at Bindoon.
To this day both men remain shattered by their experiences.
They are angry they have not received adequate compensation and believe the Christian Brothers should be held accountable.
A 10-year-old boy was told by a priest to make himself less attractive so as not to be a target for sexual abuse, the commission has also heard today.
It was also told that Christian Brothers pimped boys out to a visiting photographer at St Joseph's Farm and Trade School, Bindoon, in the late 1950s.
A witness known as VV told the commission in Perth today that a Christian brother who raped him suddenly announced he needed to confess his sins.
“Then Brother Parker came back and said I needed to see Father Gerard. Father Gerard sat me down and told me what we were doing was very wrong, and that I should make myself less attractive,” VV said.
“I should stop leading Brother Parker on, because it was a sin. He told me it was my fault, all the while he sat there sucking a cigar, blaming a child for being assaulted.”
He said boys were also sent out on picnics with a local photographer, who was known to abuse boys.
Boys were also promised parcels of land by brothers who used the inducement to groom them.
When VV – an orphan in care since the age of four in England – arrived at Bindoon aged nine, he was the youngest there and below the 10-year age requirement for the school.
Soon after arriving, he was raped by Brother Christopher Angus. After the attack, VV was dumped in a 44-gallon drum of water.
“He said words to the effect of 'clean yourself up',” VV said. He was also savagely beaten numerous times, and has lost hearing in his left ear.
Meanwhile, VV's mother tried repeatedly to find him in England. “She was told I was put into a good home in Australia, that I was cared for and loved and that I would receive an education,” he said.
“She never gave permission for me to go to Australia.” VV never saw his mother again.
Years after he left Bindoon he was offered $20,000 compensation by the Catholic Church's professional standards office, which later upped it to $40,000 when VV said he found it insulting.
“This meeting was very intimidating,” VV said.
“The brothers were not approachable or welcoming and I felt intimidated.
“I felt like a child again, trying to defend myself.”
At another school, St Mary's Agricultural School in Tardun, boys were told they were not there to be educated and were needed for hard labour.
A resident at the school, known as VG, told the commission while working in the heat, boys were often tied just out of reach of a water tap and forced to stay there for hours.
“They beat us with leather straps that were about an inch thick, three inches wide ... and had a buckle thicker than a belt,” he said.
When an older boy retaliated against the abuse, three brothers held him down and beat him.
“I thought the brothers were going to kill him,” VG said.
When another brother, known as Simon, tried to rape him, VG hit him in the stomach with a chair.
“I tried to run away but he grabbed my shirt and threw me on the ground,” he said.
“I then felt the buckle on the back of my head. I don't remember anything after that.” He later tried to commit suicide, he said.
Yesterday, the first witness, John Hennessey, gave harrowing evidence about the physical, sexual and emotional abuse he suffered at the Bindoon home in the 1940s. He said he would go to his grave a tormented man.
Over the next two weeks the commission will hear evidence on how the Christian Brothers responded to allegations of abuse.
It will also hear evidence from representatives of the WA government and the acting director of public prosecutions about the department's response to complaints.
The hearing continues.