| Parton Saint – John Paul II and Donald Mcguire Sj Part 1
What They Knew
April 25, 2014
(St.) John Paul II and Donald McGuire SJ in prayer at the Vatican. One is being made a saint, the other sits in prison for 25 years for the rape of children.
It’s a busy time at the Vatican, with many patrons clamoring to ride the latest public relations wave of sainthood…
Patron derives from the Latin patronus, or one who gives benefits to his clients. What greater benefit could there be than to overpower your victims with the pomp, splendor and majesty of Rome, and in particular the Vatican? Why not impress upon the young victim your power, both earthly and empyreal, by taking him to meet the Pope, the Vicar of Christ? Surely these men can control your future in this world and the next? But one has to question the wisdom of allowing a known child sex abuser a Papal audience, allowing him to travel with you across continents and celebrating with you the most holy of sacraments. And would a Pope who allowed all of this possess the exceptional degree of holiness sufficient to be recognized as a saint?
John Paul II knew Donald McGuire SJ
And Fr. Donald McGuire SJ knew he would go unpunished for years…
So what did John Paul II know? Sure the Pope meets hundreds of people daily, some even get a picture with him. But how many clergy get these honors in such abundance? And what can be said of a pile of photographs stamped “L’Osservatore Romano Citta’ Del Vaticano Servizio Fotografico – Arturo Mari”?
Can we order more copies? Of course… because there are always more photos to be ignored in a world of PR and spin, where the truth and history is forgotten.
A chance meeting in a crowd is one thing, a chance meeting. But to invite a Jesuit, known as a sexual abuser of children for decades by his Order, as part of your entourage in September 1987 to the United States is another. But more on that in Part 2.
John Paul II and Donald McGuire meet yet again.
Likewise, how many priests get to meet the Pope? None that we know. How many priests get to speak with a Pope on a regular basis? How many get invited to his personal chapel to say mass, and pray next to him? Not many, as this picture would suggest…
Donald McGuire SJ has the seat of honor next to John Paul II at his chapel in the Vatican
But one can forgive a mistake once, a long time ago before protecting children was a public priority… before it started hurting the bottom line and costing real money. But what if there were two child rapists and sex abusers you hung out with?
Fr. Maciel knew Popes and Jesuits…
As fate would have it, Pope John Paul II knew another famous sex abusing cleric, Fr. Marcial Marciel. Many excellent investigations by Jason Berry have revealed the unpunished crimes of the Legion and it’s leader’s close ties to John Paul II.
Now what if we were to prove that all three of these men knew each other personally? Were friends? Met together and preyed together? Someone knows…
Stay tuned for Part 2
Pope Francis knows he needs to pray very hard that we haven’t found any pictures of him with Donald McGuire SJ…