| Monterey Deacon to Participate at Vatican Canonizing Ceremony
By John Sammon
Monterey Herald
April 25, 2014
Bill Ditweg
Bill Ditewig, a deacon at the Diocese of Monterey, has been invited to Vatican City to participate in the canonization" of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.
"These two popes were very special men," Ditewig said. "In my own case, Pope John XXIII had a great influence on me."
The ceremony will be held Sunday and an overflow crowd of more than 1 million spectators is expected in St. Peter's Square.
Ditewig said Pope John XXIII was perhaps the most influential pope of the 20th century, presiding over the Second Vatican Council in 1962, which reformed and renewed the Catholic Church.
"Canonization is the step to sainthood after an investigation is held to determine if the candidate is worthy, a person of virtue worth emulating," Ditewig said. "After the canonization ceremony, both men will be referred to as 'saints.' "
Ditewig has been director of Faith Formation Diaconate and Pastoral Planning at the Diocese of Monterey for three years. He is responsible for church deacons, and looking into planning the needs of the church in the future. He is also a professor of theology at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara.
Ditewig has journeyed to the Vatican before. He has been working on setting up an advanced pontifical college related to the Diaconate in Rome, which will allow scholars to study law, religious history, archaeology and other subjects.
He said he received notice of his invitation for the canonization by an email from the Vatican.
Ditewig will serve at the event by distributing communion to Catholics at the ceremony.
"It's the same kind of Mass you would receive in church on any Sunday, but on a grand scale," he said.
Ditewig has also been asked to write a blog on his experience there for magazines including the National Catholic Reporter and U.S. Catholic.
He said that although the church has faced recent charges of child sexual abuse, the public should also understand the great good the church does.
"Evil exists, as with any human element," Ditewig said. "We look at the positive side without ignoring the bad. The church is involved in charity work, provides food and shelter, counseling and outreach. When there's a disaster we're usually first on the ground. Much of this work is done by volunteers, lay people and clergy."
The canonization event will be televised around the globe and a related Mass will be held at Monterey-area parishes on Sunday, including the Carmel Mission. The Carmel Mission Museum will feature paintings commemorating the event by local artist Jim Miller.
Contact: jwsammon@sbcglobal.net