| Go, Snap, Go! God and One Are a Majority! Protest in Rome against Canonization of Satanas John Paul Ii. Jesus Was Alone on the Cross
By Paris Arrow
Pope Francis The Con-christ.
April 25, 2014
Updated April 25, 2014
SNAP urges all who saw, suspected or suffered crimes & cover ups to 'speak up now' ! WE wish them best of luck as they fight the goliath Vatican Titanic Mammon Beast!
SNAP in Rome
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Victims hold rooftop candlelight vigil in Rome - details of the second SNAP event in Rome earlier today, April 25 2014
Victims plead with Vatican officials - details of the first SNAP event in Rome earlier today, April 25 2014
--Here are some SNAP statements re JPII sainthood:
Open letter to victims, witnesses & whistleblowers on eve of JPII sainthood from SNAP (April 25, 2014)
Rome- Papal PR man desperately defends sainthood (April 25, 2014)
Papal sainthood encourages wrongdoing, says Austrian victim (April 25, 2014)
SNAP blasts beatification of Pope John Paul II (April 2011)
SNAP responds to Pope John Paul II’s canonization (October 2013)
Rome- Victims upset about papal sainthood (March 2014)
A few SNAP members from several nations will be in Geneva from April 30 through May 7 for a hearing on May 5 and 6 before the United Nations Committee Against Torture, which will consider whether Vatican officials are violating or complying with an international treaty regarding torture.
[Center for Constitutional Rights]
[Center for Constitutional Rights]
For details about the two Rome events, please contact:
–SNAP staff: Barbara Blaine (in Rome), European cell +39 366 1160224, U.S. cell +1 312 399 4747, Rome hotel- +39 06 598591; SNAPblaine@gmail.com, Miguel Hurtado (in Rome) +44 7787 638245, Nicky Davis (in Rome) European cell +39 388 9068750, nicky@nickydavis.com.au, David Clohessy (in Missouri) +1 314 645 5915 home, +1 314 566 9790 cell, SNAPclohessy@aol.com or Barbara Dorris (in Missouri) +1 314 503 0003 cell, SNAPdorris@gmail.com or the SNAP office in Chicago at +1 312 455 1499, chicagoffice@snapnetwork.org or SNAPadmin@snapnetwork.org
There are also dozens of local SNAP volunteer leaders on our website.
Rome- Victims hold rooftop candlelight vigil in Rome
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Victims hold rooftop candlelight vigil in Rome
Event is just before Pope John Paul II is named a saint
With St. Peter's as backdrop, group honors 'the wounded, not the complicit'
They’ll also read an 'open letter' to victims & whistleblowers urging 'persistence
Group urges all who saw, suspected or suffered crimes & cover ups to 'speak up now'
Holding candles, signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse victims from four or five countries will
stand in a small rooftop vigil with St. Peter's Basilica in the background. They will also read aloud an open letter - in French, German, Spanish and English - to victims, witnesses, and whistleblowers, urging them to
– keep speaking up and reporting crimes, even though complicit Catholic officials (including Pope John Paul II) keep getting honored and promoted,
– report every single incident or suspicion of clergy sex crimes and cover ups to secular officials, not church officials, and
– boldly but compassionately keep reaching out and offering help to every single person who they know of or fear was sexually assaulted by clergy.
They will especially remember and honor dozens of victims of the world's most notorious predator priest – Fr. Marcial Maciel – whose extensive crimes and misdeeds were ignored and hidden during Pope John Paul's long papacy.
Friday, April 25 from 8 p.m.-10 p. m. (Rome time/Central European time)
On the rooftop of the Hotel Orange (4-5 stories up), Via Crescenzio, 86, 00193 Roma, Italy; +39 06 686 8969 (near the Vatican)
Four-five clergy sex abuse victims from Spain, Austria, Australia, and the U.S. who are leaders in an international support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAPnetwork.org)
SNAP leaders worry about clergy sex abuse victims feeling disheartened and current and former Catholics feeling betrayed by what they call the “irresponsible and hurtful” canonization of Pope John Paul II and the continued practice of top church officials ignoring or rewarding those who conceal child sex offenses.
The victims will describe their own experiences of healing themselves, exposing predators, protecting kids and achieving justice, to offer hope to others who have been victimized and hurt but are still struggling in shame, silence, self-blame and hopelessness. (A copy of their 'open letter' will be posted late Friday afternoon, Rome time, on the SNAP website.)
SNAP believes that the pontiff “must have known” about the multiple sexual abuse allegations against Legionaries of Christ founder Fr Marcial Maciel Degollado. Instead of disciplining or defrocking Fr. Maciel, Pope John Paul II held a highly publicized special ceremony celebrating the anniversary of Maciel's ordination.
Abuse victims slam John Paul II sainthood
7 News
April 25, 2014
Abuse victims have slammed moves to make John Paul II a saint, accusing him of covering up sex crimes perpetrated by clergy from the Catholic Church for decades.
The late pontiff will on Sunday be canonised at a historic Vatican ceremony, with some 800,000 pilgrims expected in Rome.
But Sydney resident Nicky Davis, who was abused over a six-year period from the age of 12, says honouring John Paul II with the sainthood would be totally inappropriate.
Ms Davis is in Rome with other advocates from the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) to protest against the canonisation.
"How can you call a man a saint who didn't take any action - and he had 27 years to do it," she told AAP on Friday.
"He had the most powerful position in the world and he still didn't act, with knowledge that large numbers of children were being raped by his priests."
Some victims of Catholic Church sex abuse oppose Pope John Paul II reaching sainthood
Southern California Public Radio
Catholics around the world are celebrating the sainthood of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. The historic canonization this weekend has stirred controversy for some victims of the clergy sex abuse scandal.
Pope John Paul II is widely credited with helping melt down the Iron Curtain, traveling the world and supporting oppressed people. Officials with the L.A. Archdiocese said he is particularly popular in Los Angeles, where 75 percent of parishioners are Latino. They say Pope John Paul II visited Mexico more than any other country besides Poland, his homeland.
Now Pope John Paul II is reaching sainthood in record time. But some say he should not be named a saint because of the church sex abuse scandal.
The pontiff “turned a blind eye to the problems that were happening in Los Angeles,” said Joelle Casteix, Western Regional Director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP).
“The canonization of Pope John Paul II is very traumatic for victims of sexual abuse in the catholic church because they don’t see him as the unifying figure that many other Catholics do,” Casteix said. “They see him as someone who knew about sexual abuse, covered it up, promoted wrong doers and allowed more priests to molest kids.”
Because of his biggest heist crime between the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks - Pope Francis is the greatest pretender and impostor of Jesus and Pope Francis is NOT the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of the Devil.
The 1.2 billion Catholics are Francis-Maniacs and together with Pope Francis fit like a glove in what Jesus said: Your father is the devil. You are his children, and you want to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has never stood for the truth, because there's no truth in him. Whenever that liar speaks, he speaks according to his own nature, because he's a liar and the father of liars. (John 8:44 CEB).
When Jesus said these words, he was saying it to the self-righteous Pharisees who were constantly praying in the Temple of Solomon or synagogues, and today, those would be the Opus Dei and the Catholics who are Francis-Maniacs especially at the Vatican and St. Peter’s Square.
A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need. John 10:10 GW Pope Francis is the greatest thief of mankind who does not provide for his Sheep except the fake Host in the Sorcery of the Eucharist where he is a Merlin HOAX magician who cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore cannot clone Christ either.
In the history of the Vatican Catholic Church, it is possible to be both a magician and a rapist at the same time –– to be a magician magically cloning Christ everyday in the Eucharist and be a bestial rapist holy father saintly missionary -- like Belgian missionary Father Eric or like the Italian Franciscan saint who raped countless virgin brides in a town in China in the 18th century - but was canonized by John Paul II nonetheless amidst Chinese protest, read more here
FRANCIS UPDATES:John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!