Pope Francis Apologizes For Past Abuse, But Media Celebrates Anti-Catholic Bigots at SNAP Who Liken Pope to a ‘Deranged Gunman,’ a ‘Drunk Driver,’ and a Wife Beater
April 23, 2014
Unbridled hate: SNAP leaders Barbara Blaine (l) and David Clohessy (r) unleash a nasty attack on Pope Francis |
One essential element of the media's sex abuse narrative is the idea that the Catholic Church must repeatedly and perpetually apologize for past abuse committed by priests. Pope Benedict repeatedly apologized and even met with victims to hear their stories. So it was big news when Pope Francis recently asked for forgiveness for the past abuse committed by a small number of priests decades ago.
But acting on cue, the anti-Catholic group SNAP issued a nasty media statement which not only belittled the Pontiff's gesture but actually compared the pope to a "husband [who] keeps beating his wife."
Meanwhile, scores of mainstream media outlets – including The Boston Globe, the New York Times, and CNN – continue to trumpet the angry efforts of SNAP.
A 'victims' group where hate comes first
Media outlets continue to shower attention upon SNAP as if it were simply an innocent grass-roots group giving a voice to abuse victims. In truth, as we have repeatedly demonstrated, SNAP is little more than a handful of wacky, anti-Catholic leftists who are always available for a hate-filled quote bashing the Catholic Church.
Whether SNAP is welcoming pro-abortion radicals at its annual conference, harassing Catholics simply trying to attend Sunday Mass, falsely accusing dying clerics of faking cancer, plastering the personal phone numbers and emails of accused clerics on its web site, smearing innocent priests, or conspiring with contingency lawyers who sue the Church, the group has repeatedly made clear that it has almost nothing to do with sex abuse and everything to do with simply bludgeoning the Catholic Church any way it can.
Whether out of habit or simple laziness, it is remarkable that journalists still continue to flock to SNAP National Director David Clohessy for a quote bashing the Church without revealing that Clohessy himself has an ugly history himself of protecting his molester brother Kevin, a former Catholic priest.
Meanwhile, the media also continues to look to SNAP's president and founder Barbara Blaine for a quote as well. Yet journalists never tell about the letter she wrote on behalf of a friend arrested with over 100 sick images of kiddie porn on his computer – and then later trying to cover it up as if it never happened.
The hypocrisy of both Clohessy and Blaine is breathtaking, but don't expect to read anything about it in the mainstream media, eager as it is to use the two for another angry hate-filled quote.