Archbishop Deposition on Abuse Made Public

By Amy Forliti
Mankato Free Press
April 22, 2014

Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt said in a recent sworn deposition that he hasn't reprimanded or disciplined anyone for the way church officials have handled allegations of clergy sexual abuse, and he doesn't think he should have, according to a recording of the deposition that was made public Tuesday.

During the interview, the head of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis said he does not believe any priests or church leaders mishandled allegations of abuse. He also said his staff told him there was nobody in ministry who had credible accusations of child abuse made against them, and that he believed another church official was responsible for notifying parish officials about problem priests.

Attorneys for victims of alleged sexual abuse by priests said the deposition, recorded April 2, shows an ongoing practice of denial and deflecting responsibility. Attorney Jeff Anderson said Nienstedt lied during the deposition, but when asked what he believed was a lie, he said there has been a "longstanding pattern of deceit and deception."

In response to Anderson's comments, Jim Accurso, a spokesman for the archdiocese, told The Associated Press that Nienstedt "was under oath when he gave that deposition."

Anderson released snippets of the recorded deposition and a full transcript Tuesday. The archdiocese also posted a transcript on its website, and released the full recording to show the "full context of what took place on April 2."

The archdiocese said Nienstedt answered all questions and the deposition was being posted in full "as part of our renewed commitment to transparency."

The deposition was taken as part of a lawsuit filed by a man who claimed he was sexually abused by a priest in the 1970s. The church had tried to block the deposition, saying it was not relevant to the case. But a Ramsey County judge and the Minnesota Court of Appeals disagreed.








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