| John Paul II Reincarnates in Pope Francis Making Him a Rock-star with His Podgy Ass Wobbling Lies Concocted by Opus Dei Beast Pr Deceits
By Paris Arrow
April 22, 2014
This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia. St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain. Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”.
Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!
Updated April 22, 2014
Since Pope Francis can reincarnate magically the real flesh-and-blood of Christ in the Eucharist daily, for sure John Paul II must have reincarnated himself in Pope Francis for he has become an instant rock star (from Argentina to the Vatican) with his polls ever rising as Archbishop Dolan boasted today (read news below). Most of all, John Paul II must have reincarnated his papal ruse to cover-up the worst crimes of the Vatican against children – which the UN condemned last February - because Pope Francis is likewise covering up the biggest heist in mankind’s history between the Vatican Bank and Switzerland, the other “little” country the pope owns. The greater the powers of the pope, the greater are his crimes, thanks to the cover-ups by the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team.
News are coming out today in preparation to the canonization of John Paul II this April 27. You can tell which ones are Vatican Pied Pipers – those whose headlines justify his canonization with positive feel-good titles – versus those which mention JP2’s Achilles Heel – the serial pedophile priests Marcial Maciel. Below is a compilation of canonization news between the Vatican Pied Pipers and those journalists who dare to mention in their titles Maciel, the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II .
Read our related articles for Pope Francis: FACTS John Paul II KNEW Marcial Maciel, his evil Achilles Heel
Mark of the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast: “Holiness, saints, supernatural” words of Pope Francis propagated by Vatican Pied Pipers
Hidden Heist in the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth?!
UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope