Dolan: Pope Francis is in Touch with Church’s Needs
By Maria Keena KMOX April 21, 2014
US cardinal Timothy Michael
Dolan attends a mass at the St Peter’s basilica before the
conclave on March 12, 2013 at the Vatican. Cardinals moved
into the Vatican today as the suspense mounted ahead of a
secret papal election with no clear frontrunner to steer the
Catholic world through troubled waters after Benedict XVI’s
historic resignation.The 115 cardinal electors who pick the
next leader of 1.2 billion Catholics in a conclave in the
Sistine Chapel will live inside the Vatican walls completely
cut off from the outside world until they have made their
choice. |
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – The Catholic Church
has reason to celebrate findings of a CBS poll that shows more
people than ever feel the Church is in touch with their needs.
Timothy Dolan, a St. Louis native and the Archbishop
of New York, says that’s good news. He credits the Pope
for being so genuine and sincere.
But there are still lingering questions about real reform
in the Church regarding predator priests and sex abuse.
“Those 10 days before we actually sealed ourselves in the
Sistine Chapel, the College of Cardinals met in confidence every
day,” he says. “We spoke our mind, and Jorge Bergoglio [Pope Francis], who was there,
listened intently. And now we know it for sure, because
he’s doing a lot of the stuff.”
Pope Francis still has not met with victims, but Dolan
believes that he will.
“I think he should and I think that he will, Pope
Benedict did,” says Dolan. “We’ve got to give
him some time, he knows that it’s a towering
Dolan says that last year, during the pope selection process,
now-Pope Francis said in the conclave that the church
can’t run from the abuse scandal nor deny it—it must be met head on.