on Irish Times Cartoon
The Association of Catholic Priests April 20, 2014
Despite the fact that protests about criticism in the media of
Catholic priests in Ireland can sometimes be self-serving
and counter-productive, and despite the fact that
cartoons of their nature tend to be edgy and provocative,
the Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) believes that the
publication of the Martyn Turner cartoon in The Irish Times
(April 16th, 2014) is gratuitously insulting to Irish
Catholic priests, many of whom are readers of that paper.
The cartoon’s resonances of sectarianism and bigotry have
no place in the pages of a newspaper which prides itself,
as it does, on fairness and high standards in its
coverage, not least its awareness of the bigger picture. It
would be difficult to imagine a similar publication of such an
offensive cartoon in regard to the clergy of any other
denomination or faith. On behalf of our 1000-plus members
and other Catholic priests, the ACP protests in the
strongest possible terms at this unacceptable slur on the
Irish priesthood.