| Irish Cartoon of Priests "I'd Do Anything for Children (but I Won't Do That)"
By Paris Arrow
Pope Francis The Con-christ
April 17, 2014
The cartoon by Martyn Turner published in the Irish Times yesterday, April 16, showed three priests standing next to each other singing, "I'd do anything for children (But I won't do that)" meaning break the seal of confession and report pedophiles (who went to them in Confession) to authorities . The priest in the centre held a paper that has “Children’s First Bill” and “mandatory reporting” written on it referring to Ireland’s Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald who has said that the Children First Bill will make it mandatory for certain professions (including priests in the Sacrament of Confession _and post-holders to report incidents of harm and the risk of harm to the Child and Family Agency. Some Irish priests have been vocal that they will never break the Seal of Confession and wrote to the Irish Times "I wish to object, in the strongest terms possible, to your publication of Martyn Turner’s bigoted, nasty and downright disgraceful cartoon" and "I am registering my absolute disgust and abhorrence at the cartoon..." . These can only prove how the Sacrament of Confession protect criminals and persecute their victims - read our article
This cartoon pales in comparison to the Danish cartoon of Pope John Paul II holding up robes of two altar boys to expose thier butts to satiate his JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
[Read more here]
Archbishop Martin warns against cynicism and criticises cartoon
The Irish Times
Patsy McGarry
The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin warned against the corrosive effects of cynicism and criticised a cartoon in this newspaper yesterday.
He was speaking at the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass in the Dublin’s Pro Cathedral this morning. At the ceremony, oils are blessed for use during the coming year in the administration of the Church’s sacraments.
“Holy Thursday and this Chrism Mass are special moments when we renew our commitment to ministry,” the Archbishop said. “Renewal can be painful and means moving out of the comfort zones that each of us create for ourselves or allow ourselves to slip into. Cynicism or scepticism are never the responses of the genuinely committed. Cynicism is not smart. Cynicism is not noble. Cynicism robs creative energy. The challenges we face within this diocese requires new energy and new enthusiasm and new realism,” he said.
Referring to the cartoon in yesterday’s edition of this newspaper, which dealt with the conflict between mandatory reporting of child abuse and respect for the seal of the confessional, he said:“I know that many priests and people feel hurt by a cartoon in yesterday’s Irish Times. I am a strong believer in freedom of speech and of the vital role of satire in social criticism, but I object to anything that would unjustly tarnish all good priests with the unpardonable actions of some. We have great priests in the Archdiocese of Dublin. ”