Mark of the Vatican Mammon Beast A.k.a. Opus Dei Beast: “holiness, Saints, Supernatural” Words of Pope Francis Propagated by Vatican Pied Pipers

By Paris Arrow
April 16, 2014

In the Book of Revelation 13:16-18, the Mark of the Beast is 666, but for the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. the Mark of the Opus Dei Beast is “holiness, saints, supernatural” especially the eerie paranormal words of Pope Francis. All Vatican Pied Pipers’ articles contain this OD mark. This was evident in the articles about Pope Francis’s apology last April 11. (See compilation below). Did anyone notice that The Republican in Massachusetts entitled its article: “Editorial: Pope's admission and personal responsibility will go far toward creating holiness in the Catholic Church”. It was the most unique among all (similar) titles and its content the most Machiavellian. The Republican Editorials made the most outrageous statement ever about the power of Pope Francis’s apology: “His words about child sexual assault will act as a salve to the thousands of children and adults who have lived in pain and disillusion following the illegal, immoral and evil acts of priests.” WTF**kin shit? This is the most idiotic statement ever written on Pope Francis’s (void) papal power because it suggest that now, it’s supposed to be another magic wand - that will paranormally wipes out sins/crimes of JP2 Army and “salve” their torture effects on hundreds of thousands of victims in the 20th Century (akin to the Mass of Atonement and the Sacrament of Confession that protect criminal and persecute their victims)! Pope Francis might as well simply apologize for the Nazis (tear down all Holocaust monuments) and all crimes against humanity done by despots (whose hundreds of billions of dollars he hoards) and thereby shut down (eliminate necessity) The Hague and the UN Committees on Torture and the Rights of the Child! The hundreds of thousands of victims suffering a lifetime of “living Hell and torture” from the horrendous consequences of the atrocious sodomizing hands of the bestial JP2 Army are (again deluded by Opus Dei PR Deceits Team) - to simply look at Pope Francis’s podgy ass – listen and smell his papal farts at them - and they will be “salve”? The Opus Dei makes the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses in the Vatican Catholic Church via their “holiness, saints and supernatural” words of Pope Francis!

Salve means soothe, relieve, comfort, ease, calm and pacify. Salve is Latin, remember the robotic soothing Latin Salve Regina that numbs the consciences of Opus Dei members as they chant it each night before they sleep in their multi-million holy abodes – that makes them nil in compassion and compunction towards millions of victims of Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – plus now the worst papal crimes of all, Pope Francis Heist in the Holy See.

We spit on the faces of The Republican Editorials! Shame on you!

Shame for adding more deceits to the hoax of the sacrament of the Eucharist and Confession.

The Republican in Massachusetts article: “Editorial: Pope's admission and personal responsibility will go far toward creating holiness in the Catholic Church” -- proves that the Opus Dei Beast or Vatican Mammon Beast care more - about “holiness” and “saints” – and does nothing to seek justice and punishment for thousands of criminal bestial pedophile priests of JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after “holy saint” John Paul II who covered-them up as he said nothing and did nothing to protect children while he trotted the globe for over a quarter of a century and performed the sorcery of the Eucharist in front of millions of stupid robotic Catholics – even when he didn’t have the paranormal power to clone an ant, a dog, or Christ.


We spit on the faces of The Republican Editorials! Shame on you!

The many names of Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva – his narcissist obsession for worldly titles


John Paul II in Latin = 666


Hollow papal apologies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI

In 2002, as a solution to the JP2 Army of 80 pedophile priests covered-up by Cardinal Bernard Law, that just erupted in Boston, John Paul II canonized Opus Dei founder the fascist Josemaria Escriva and a few days later John Paul II released the new Mysteries of Light if the Rosary to celebrate his 25th anniversary of his longest papacy, now we see that the Rosary Could Not Defeat Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... Unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century


11 years later, in 2013, after the JP2 Army erupted in Australia Pope Francis also released his encyclical, Joy of the Gospel as solution to the newly discovered crimes of the Vatican Catholic Church in the other side of the globe Down Under, read our article 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!








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