| 16 Months Prison for Priest Charged in Sexual Assault
By Rene Labelle
Quinte News
April 14, 2014
Rene Labelle, a former Tyendinaga Township priest, is going to prison.
Labelle was sentenced to 16 months prison and 30 months probation in a Kingston court room Monday. He will also be on the sex offender registry for 10 years and will have to complete counselling.
The parents of the victim called the incident an extreme breach of trust in their victim impact statement.
They said they witnessed a 180-degree change in their child after the incident on Wolfe Island in 2004
Labelle was found guilty of sexual assault, sexual exploitation and invitation to sexual exploitation in January.
He served in Tyendinaga Township in the 1980s and 1990s.
Throughout the trial Labelle maintained his innocence and pled ‘not guilty’ to all charges.