| Former Peterborough Priest and Teacher Jailed for 17 Years for Sex Abuse
By Stephen Briggs
Peterborough Telegraph
April 10, 2014
David Goodstadt. Photo: Peterborough Telegraph
A teacher and former priest has been jailed for 17 years for sexually abusing girls over a number of years.
David Goodstatd (45) showed no emotion as he was locked up by Judge Sean Enright at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday.
Goodstadt, who taught religious education at Thomas Deacon Academy was found guilty of the rape of one girl and a number of indecent assault charges against the other victims at a trial last month.
One of the girls was abused when she was under the age of 10.
Judge Sean Enright said: “I have read the victim impact statements. It is very clear you have done a great deal of damage over the ?years.
“You continue to deny the offences. I don’t think you will ever admit them.”
Christopher Gillespie, defending said: “He is a 45-year-old man who will spend a substantial part of the rest of his life in custody in difficult circumstances, which he has bought on himself.”
Along with the 17 year prison sentence, Goodstadt, who left the priesthood a number of years ago, will have to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for the rest of his life.
A sexual offences prevention order was also put into place, restricting his contact with youngsters aged under 18.
The court heard Judge Enright could have imposed an indeterminate prison sentence, but Mr Gillespie said the package of other restrictions imposed meant future risk could be managed.
Detective Constable Amanda Sylvester said: “Goodstadt is a dangerous man and we’re pleased he is now behind bars.
“The victims showed great bravery in coming forward and ultimately giving evidence at court in order to bring him to justice.
“His actions have had a huge impact on all three victims and will no doubt continue to do so for many years to come.
“Only now have they been able to start rebuilding their lives, the fact the jury believed them is a huge step forward in that process.”
Goodstadt, of Broad Street, Whittlesey, was found guilty of one count of rape, one count of attempted rape, one count of indecency with a child and five counts of indecent assault.
Contact: stephen.briggs@peterboroughtoday.co.uk