| National Victims Advocacy Group Calls for Speedy Investigation of New Bethany Sex Abuse Claims
By Rebecca Catalanello
The Times-Picayune
April 4, 2014
A national victims' advocate organization concerned with sexual abuse by members of the clergy is calling on Louisiana law enforcement to act quickly with respect to its investigation into abuse allegations at a former girls home in the state.
Barbara Dorris
Barbara Dorris, outreach director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, issued a statement in response to Nola.com | The Times-Picayune's stories this week chronicling a woman's journey to report sex abuse she said happened to her while she was a resident at New Bethany Home for Girls in Arcadia.
Bienville Parish Sheriff's Office and the Louisiana State Police have confirmed they are investigating complaints made by former New Bethany resident Jennifer Halter, 39, and others that the school's founder, Mack Ford, sexually abused them.
Ford, now 82, has declined to talk to Nola.com | The Times-Picayune.
Here is a portion of Dorris' statement:
"We urge Louisiana law enforcement officials to move very quickly to investigate ... the horrific crimes reported by Jennifer Halter and others at the New Bethany Home for Girls in Arcadia. We are deeply moved by the suffering and the courage of these brave women. Their concern for others and their own deep pain should prompt speedy and thorough action by police and prosecutors.
"Quick movement by authorities would likely encourage other sex crime victims to step forward. That, in turn, would almost certainly prevent more sex crimes.
"In recent years, police and prosecutors have become more aggressive, creative and successful at pursuing even very old crimes. We beg state authorities to use whatever resrouces are needed to make justice happen here."