| Investigators Search for More Victims in Church Pastor Sex Assault Case
CBS Denver
April 3, 2014
[with video]
Gerald Clark outside of court on Wednesdasy (credit: CBS)
Clark, 51, was advised of the charges against him on Wednesday. A Jefferson County judge told him that he faces two counts of sexual assault on a child.
Gerald Clark (credit: Westminster Police)
“The sexual contact was ongoing. She did approach him and ask him to stop and apparently at that time the behavior did stop but his behavior with her also changed,” said Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Pam Russell.
Clark met the alleged victim and her family at Victory Church. They then followed Clark to Jericho Ministries International which Clark runs out of his Westminster home.
When the alleged victim’s family moved out of state the Clarks allowed the teen to live with them over the summers and around Christmas.
She told police the sexual abuse occurred “approximately 30 to 50 times between 2009 and 2012.” She was 13 to 16 years old at the time.
She told police she confronted Clark about the abuse in 2012 and he stopped.
The young woman told police she came forward because she was worried there could be other victims.
The Jeffco District Attorney’s Office said police are talking to three young women who may also be victims.
According to the arrest affidavit one employee told investigators she left the church after witnessing inappropriate situations where Clark would have teenage girls sit on his lap. She also said it was common for Clark to touch and kiss the girls.
At Clark’s court appearance at least one church member turned up at the courthouse to defend the pastor.
“I’ve been to their house, they’ve been nothing but kind. I’ve never seen anything inappropriate from the pastor or anybody in the ministry,” said Jerico Ministries member Tatyanna Vander.
Prosecutors said that because a couple of potential witnesses had come forward in the case and were being interviewed, they asked the judge to order Clark to surrender his guns.
Clark has a conceal carry permit.
The judge granted the request and ordered Clark to surrender his weapons.
“In light of that we would like to request that Mr. Clark not be allowed to possess, own or have control over any weapons,” said Russell.
Clark is scheduled to appear in court next month for a preliminary hearing. If convicted of the charges the pastor would face a mandatory prison sentence and possible supervision for the rest of his life.