Crosiers disclose updated list of religious involved in sexual abuse

Mille Lacs Messenger
April 2, 2014

An updated list of Crosier priests and brothers with one or more credible claims of sexual abuse of minors has been released by the community from its province headquarters in Phoenix. The list includes Crosiers previously disclosed in 2002 following a third-party investigation as well as current, former and deceased Crosiers who have credible allegations against them, according to a news release from the order.

In the St. Cloud Diocese, those accused were assigned at one or more of the following ministries: Crosier Seminary and Priory, Onamia; St. Peter Parish, St. Cloud; St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Cloud; St. Therese Parish, Vineland; Cathedral High School, St. Cloud; Central Minnesota TEC.

The province website lists all assignments of the accused:

Crosier Prior Provincial Thomas Enneking said in the statement, “It is our hope that this will bring healing, peace and comfort to the victims and their families. Even though the last occurrence of abuse took place more than 20 years ago, the stigma remains for all of us. We pray for forgiveness and the opportunity to strengthen our ministry and service to everyone in need.”

The statement added the Crosiers “are saddened and ashamed to acknowledge this part of our history. We apologize to all victims, families and communalities who have been hurt by the actions of Crosiers who were supposed to be instruments of Christ’s love and healing mercy. ... We are very concerned for the well-being of those who have been hurt because of sexual abuse by a Crosier.”

In 2002, the Crosier Province hired an independent firm to conduct an audit of allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Crosiers.

The following Crosiers were named publicly; since then, three have died and one has left the Crosier Order.

Neil Emon, osc

Gabriel Guerrero, osc

Gregory Madigan, osc

Bruce Maxwell, osc

James Moeglein, osc

Thomas O’Brien

Richard Ohlemacher, osc

Justin Weger, osc

In addition to those named in 2002, the following are current, former and deceased Crosiers who have one or more credible claims of sexual abuse of a minor against them.

Timothy Conlon, osc

Cornelius DeVenster, osc

Gerald Funcheon

Eugene Hambrock, osc

Joseph Lendacky, osc

Ron Melancon

Wendell Mohs

Michael Paquet

Anton Schik, osc

Urban Schmitt, osc

Roger Vaughn

Names of two deceased Crosiers are not being disclosed at this time as the claims are under investigation. If the allegations are substantiated, those names will be added to the list on the order’s website.

The newly-released information “reflects what we know today,” the statement said. “We share this information to help with the healing of those who have been hurt by the actions of members of the Crosier Order.”

The Crosiers said they have an ongoing commitment to provide and maintain a safe environment for everyone they serve plus stringent reporting policies and prevention practices in place that are reviewed and updated annually. All members of the order participate in safe environment training each year.

“We need to collectively do our part to help prevent sexual abuse by church members,” Father Enneking said.

“The Catholic Church continues to confront the reality of sexual abuse of minors by clergy and religious. Many people have been hurt by the behavior of members of the church community who were seen as trustworthy representatives of the love and mercy of Christ, but who betrayed that trust in abusing them. We need to work at repairing the relationships that were shattered.”

To report abuse, contact Greta Sawyer at (651) 291-4497 or Father Enneking at (602) 443- 7100.

About the Crosiers:

The Crosiers, officially known as the Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, were founded in 1210 in modern-day Belgium.

For 800 years, the priests and brothers have lived a life of community, prayer and service under the Rule of St. Augustine. The Crosiers have two large, vibrant communities in the United States — one in Phoenix, Ariz., and the other in Onamia, Minn.

The Crosiers gather as a community each day to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and celebrate Eucharist.

Members are involved in a wide range of ministries serving the church and those in need, including parish assistance, retreat work, spiritual direction, elder care, immigrant services and jail ministry.

There are more than 400 Crosiers today worldwide also serving in Europe, Indonesia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brazil and Rome.


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