| Savile Compensation Ads to Appear in Newspapers
April 1, 2014
Advertisements are to be placed in newspapers later this month alerting victims of sex abuse by Jimmy Savile to the availability of compensation, a High Court heard today.
Notices would be placed in the Daily Mirror, The Times and some local newspapers to meet legal requirements, Mr Justice Sales was told today at a High Court hearing in London.
The judge had approved the placement of advertisements at a hearing in February - saying it was important that anyone who thought that they had a claim came forward.
Advertisements are to appear in newspapers for compensation for Jimmy Savile's victims. Credit: Press Association
Mr Justice Sales has heard that around 140 alleged victims of Savile - who worked at the BBC and is alleged to have sexually assaulted people in hospitals- had already contacted lawyers.
And lawyers say they think the vast majority of alleged victims have already come forward.
In February, Mr Justice Sales had approved a compensation scheme agreed between the estate executor, lawyers representing alleged victims, the NHS and the BBC.
A lawyer representing the estate executor, the NatWest bank, today gave detail of advertisements as lawyers discussed a variety of issues in the wake of the judge's decision to sanction the scheme.