| Cardinal Pell Formally Apologises to Victim of Paedophile Priest
The Guardian
March 27, 2014
George Pell read out an apology to John Ellis, victim. Photograph: AAP
Cardinal George Pell read out a formal apology to the victim of a paedophile priest at the royal commission into child sexual abuse on Thursday.
Pell marked the end of his appearance before the commission with a public apology for the suffering endured by former altar boy John Ellis as a result of his treatment by the church.
Reading from a statement, Pell said that, as the former archbishop of Sydney and speaking personally, the church had failed Ellis and that as archbishop he took ultimate responsibility for the suffering and the terrible impact on his life.
“At the end of this gruelling appearance for both of us at this royal commission, I want to publicly say sorry to him for the hurt caused him by the mistakes made,” Pell said.
Pell kept his eyes down while reading the statement and, after being excused, walked from the hearing room afterwards without looking at Ellis, who has sat in the front row throughout the hearing.
Observers in the room became agitated during Pell's statement, with some people calling out "look at him".
Ellis was a 13-year-old altar boy in the Sydney parish of Bass Hill when paedophile priest Father Aidan Duggan began abusing him.
Pell takes over as head of the Vatican's finances in Rome on Monday.