Archbishop Chaput Addresses Sex Abuse Crisis
By Karen Araiza
NBC 10
March 25, 2014
Archbishop Chaput addresses sex abuse crisis. |
Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput briefly addressed the priest sex abuse scandal in the Archdiocese today in his remarks at the Vatican.
"The Church in Philadelphia is also very much a community in need of renewal in the wake of the sexual abuse crisis of the past decade. In that sense, Philadelphia is a snapshot of the Church globally. We have a duty to help abuse victims and their families to heal, and to protect children and young people from harm in the years ahead," Chaput said as he read from a statement of prepared remarks.
Archbishop Chaput made his remarks in a press conference following a meeting with the Vatican's Pontifical Council of Families about the 2015 World Meeting of Familes which will be held in Philadelphia.
The Archishop has led a delegation of high-powered political and civic leaders here to help plan for the event, which runs next year from September 22 - 27. Pope Francis is expected to say mass at the event and a visit by the popular pontiff could draw a global crowd that planners say could swell to two million.
"In the end, our goal is simple," Chaput said. "We want to help filies strengthen their family life in very practical ways."