Pell has said sorry ... March 23, 2014
Cardinal George Pell leaving
the Royal Commission into child abuse |
John Davoren, pictured, was
wrong in his evidence, according to George Pell. |
Abused by Father Aiden
Duggan (sometimes known as Aiden): former altar boy John
Ellis. |
[with video]
WRONG, wrong wrong.
Cardinal Pell has said his closest advisers were wrong in
the evidence they have given to the royal commission about his
involvement and knowledge of the controversial case of former
altar boy John Ellis.
On eight occasions when they have given signifiant
evidence, they were wrong, Cardinal Pell said.
Even his personal secretary, Dr Michael Casey, who had
worked with him in Melbourne before moving with him to Sydney in
2001 when Cardinal Pell was appointed archbishop and only left
the job last week, was wrong.
“He would know your arrangements very well, would he
not cardinal?” said counsel assisting the royal commission
Gail Furness SC.
Cardinal Pell: “Not - he is completely honest and
completely reliable but he’s not the archbishop and he
knows what he knows and there are some things he didn’t
He said that John Davoren, who had been the inaugural
director of the church’s NSW professional standards office
was wrong in his evidence that in every case, it was the
archbishop who decided whether a victim of sex abuse should
receive compensation.
Mr Casey was wrong when he said that money matters
relating to amounts of compensation under the church’s
Towards Healing process would be discussed with the archbishop
and also wrong that the archbishop would have sought out
information about matters of reparation.
He was also wrong when he said that all claims of child
sex abuse made against church personnel would have been
discussed with him.
“I’m not a micro-manager,” the cardinal
The former chancellor of the Sydney diocese, Monsignor
Brian Rayner, was not only wrong in his evidence that he
discussed the offers of $25,000 and $30,000 made to Mr Ellis to
settle his claim, Cardinal Pell said he found some of it
The cardinal said it was “grotesque” to
suggest he would have authorised just another $5000 after
hearing that Mr Ellis had lost his job at a major law firm
because of the ongoing effects of his sex abuse by a priest as a
Ms Furness said that the current director of professional
standards, Michael Salmon, had given evidence that the cardinal
would have known that Mr Ellis had been willing to settle his
claim for $100,000.
“Now is he wrong in that regard?” said Ms
Cardinal Pell: “He was.”
Pell says
'sorry' for Catholic church handling over altar boy
sex-abuse case
CARDINAL George Pell has said he is sorry and admitted
that he made mistakes in dealing with the case of former altar
boy John Ellis who was sexually abused by a Catholic priest.
But he stopped short of totally throwing up his arms and
denied that he had ever told Mr Ellis that he had been the
victim of “legal abuse” after his case was
vigorously defended in the Supreme Court.
Mr Ellis, 52, now a lawyer, has told the commission that
Cardinal Pell used that term when he finally met the cardinal in
2009, five years after he lost his court case.
“I am unsure what precisely Mr Ellis meant by legal
abuse,” Cardinal Pell said.
“I did not use the term legal abuse. I did not
regard the mere defending the litigation as legal abuse.”
Cardinal Pell said that while he endorsed the main legal
strategies in the fight against against Mr Ellis, he was not
involved in the day to day running of the case.
“After recently having correspondence and the
transcripts of the hearing drawn to my attention, I realise I
should have exercised more regular and stringent oversight of my
chancellors,” he said.
In his first appearance in the witness box at the royal
commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse,
Cardinal Pell said he was now “troubled” that the
Sydney diocese, of which he was archbishop, had disputed in
court that Mr Ellis had been abused.
The commission has been told that a church report had
already concluded that Mr Ellis was telling the truth but he was
questioned for four days in the witness box.
The church’s lawyers and members of Cardinal
Pell’s inner circle have given evidence that he was
directing the vigorous defence of Mr Ellis’ claim. The
cardinal is yet to be quizzed on this in the witness box.
“I acknowledge and apologise to Mr Ellis for the
gross violation and abuse committed by Aidan Duggan, a deceased
priest of the Sydney Diocese,” Cardinal Pell said in a
“I deeply regret the pain, trauma and emotional
damage this abuse has caused to Mr Ellis is.
“Mistakes were made by me and by others in the
church that resulted in driving Mr Ellis and the archdiocese
apart rather than bringing healing. I acknowledge and regret
those mistakes.
“Also certain steps were taken in he litigation that
now cause me concern and that I would not repeat. Lessons have
been learned.”
He said that despite the court ruling in Mr Ellis’
case that the church was not a legal entity and could not be
sued, he believed the church in Australis should be able to be
sued in cases of sexual abuse.
Not one case had ever succeeded in any court in Australia.
Cardinal Pell has said that “a number of cases, for
example schools, the incidents (of child sexual abuse) are found
not to be validated.”
There was applause from the public gallery when counsel
assisting the commission, Gail Furness SC, called for the
Catholic Education office to provide that data.
sex-abuse victims compared with Nazis
EARLIER, Cardinal Pell told the inquiry that victims of
child sex abuse were once viewed as enemies of the Catholic
Church, much like the Nazis and the communists, Cardinal George
Pell said today.
He said that in the mid-1990s, the Vatican’s
attitude towards what he called the “scandal, the
crimes” was inadequate.
In Australia, a committee had been set up in 1988 to look
at child sex abuse. It was called a “special issues
“Sexual abuse is an ugly term and this was a
euphemism,” Cardinal Pell.
In his first appearance before the royal commission into
institutional responses to child sex abuse, he began by saying
that a written statement he had earlier made to the commission
was true and correct - except in one or two places which he said
he would “develop” because they were incomplete.
They involved the amounts of money which were offered by
the Sydney diocese to former altar boy John Ellis during the
Towards Healing process, he told the commission.
Mr Ellis went on to sue the church but lost his case after
the church fought not only the fact that he had been sexually
abused but that they were not a legal entity and therefore could
not be sued.
In his statement, Cardinal Pell said he did not know that
Mr Ellis had agreed to settle his case for $100,000 before the
church ran up costs of $1.5 million fighting him.
Other witnesses who were in Cardinal Pell’s inner
circle have told the commission that the cardinal knew about the
$100,000 and had directed the Sydney diocese to offer Mr Ellis
$25,000 and then $30,000, which Mr Ellis refused.
He said that the Vatican even in the mid-90s believed that
the accusations of child sex abuse were made exclusively or
predominantly by enemies of the Catholic Church.
This changed when a deputation of American bishops visited
the Vatican.
“They explained that it was not the enemies of the
church who were doing this as the Nazis and possibly the
communists had done but they were genuine complaints and good
people, people who loved the church were saying it’s not
being dealt with well enough,” Cardinal Pell said.
He continues to give his evidence ahead of his farewell
ceremony tomorrow when he officially leaves the Sydney Diocese.