| Once Again, No Punishment for Archibishop Myers in Fugee Case: Editorial
The Star-Ledger
March 22, 2014
The Rev. Michael Fugee, seen here during a court appearance in May, has agreed to his permanent removal from the priesthood (Star-Ledger file photo)
Michael Fugee is no longer a Catholic priest, and that is right and just. Not only did he confess to fondling a teenage boy, he repeatedly broke a binding legal agreement to stay away from other children. The man is a menace.
But what about Newark Archbishop John J. Myers? As usual, the foot soldier is punished, and the general gets a free pass. This has been the pattern in the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
It is particularly offensive in this case because Myers’ representative signed a legally binding document with Bergen County prosecutors promising to keep Fugee away from children. That agreement was broken repeatedly, as Fugee attended retreats with children, heard their confessions and conducted services.
After The Star-Ledger’s Mark Mueller reported all this, Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli opened an investigation. In a plea bargain, he agreed to spare Fugee jail time in return for the promise that Fugee would be defrocked as a priest and submit to supervision by law enforcement officials.
But what about Myers? Molinelli seems content to follow the pattern set by the church itself — to punish the priest while sparing higher-ranking officials. That strikes us as cowardly. And so is Molinelli’s refusal to discuss it. A prosecutor should be willing to hold all citizens accountable, no matter how high their office.
Myers added insult to this injury by suggesting Fugee’s original confession was coerced by police, a comment that even the weak-kneed Molinelli said he found “very troubling.”
Fugee admitted in 2001 that he touched the boy’s genitals. And a jury voted unanimously to convict him.
That conviction was overturned by an appellate court, which ruled the trial judge gave improper instructions to the jury. The validity of the confession was not challenged. In a memorandum signed in 2007, Fugee agreed to undergo counseling for sex offenders, and the archdiocese promised to keep him away from children.
Instead, Myers promoted Fugee to be co-director of the office that helps guide young priests. Fugee was allowed to stay in a rectory in Rochelle Park and say Mass, all while keeping the local parishioners in the dark about his past. Earlier, Myers had assigned Fugee to be chaplain of St. Michael’s Medical Center in Newark, again without mentioning his past to anyone.
This is not unusual behavior for Myers. He has shown the same leniency toward several others accused of sexual improprieties.
And what thin shred of his credibility remained was lost when Myers decided to build an extravagant addition to his retirement home in Hunterdon County.
Enough. Myers has lost all moral authority. It is a pity that Molinelli failed to hold him accountable. Our hope is Pope Francis comes to the rescue sometime soon.