Archdiocese Schedules Mass For Clergy Abuse Victims
By Paul Kurtz
CBS Philly
March 18, 2014
Archbishop Charles Chaput. Photo from Archdiocese of Phila. |
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Archbishop Charles Chaput will be holding a special mass this weekend for victims of clergy abuse.
It’s called the “Mass for Healing” and its scheduled for this coming Saturday at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.
Leslie Davila, Director of the Archdiocese’ Office for Child and Youth Protection says the service was months in the planning, and born out of the work her office has done with sexual abuse victims:
“Archbishop Chaput will be the celebrant and homilist of the mass. It’s about offering meaningful prayer for victims, offering that support and guidance..promoting healing and that’s what the mass is really set up to be.”
Davila says some victims have been invited and the mass will also be live streamed online:
“The Archdiocese has invited some sexual abuse victims to attend.. church leaders also plan to live stream the event.
The mass begins at 5:30 p.m.